Συνταγή από τη Χιλή από τον σεφ Chris R. Chile
Roasted potatoes (CristR)
Ingredients: -5 to 7 medium potatoes cut into medium cubes and peeled
-1/3 cup vegetable oil (Canola, sunflower, olive, etc.)
-Spices to taste (oregano, garlic powder, paprika)
-Salt to taste
-2 teaspoons of grated Parmesan cheese

Preparation: Once peeled and cut, steamed the potatoes over medium heat for 20 to 25 minutes, until tender. Mixed the oil with the spices and salt, once the potatoes are cooked, add the oil and mix well, then the Parmesan cheese and repeat the process.
Place them on a non-stick surface and bake them in a preheated oven at 200 ° Celsius for approximately 40 minutes, turned and baked for an additional 25 to 30 minutes until golden and crunchy.
And ready!

©Cristian Romero Díaz
Santiago de Chile
Facebook: Cristian Romero Diaz | Facebook