Maki Starfield: Από την Ιαπωνία στην Ελλάδα… Η Ποίηση δημιουργεί γέφυρες πολιτισμού

Γράφει η Eva Petropoulou Lianou 

One thousand frogs

Today I saw one thousand frogs

They came nearby me

I’m falling in my sorrow.

They were sure

that you would come.

Divine journey.

They are all sad.

Yes,  all one thousand of them

dressed in mourning.

They were happy

to baptize you with love,

to give you the song.

No! I don’t cry

But if not, is it their croaking

that makes me blue?

My sweet frog,

my rose petal,

—am I already dead?

This is life.

But your charm reminds me

of my promise.

Fate sometimes

swallows darkness, too

and rejects it.

Japan is far away,

but your scent lives

even in my eyes.

It will be autumn

when we can meet together.

The thousand frogs are all calling to you, to you!


Not in a heart, reason, and egoism,                                                                                        but where I am you and also you are me.                                                                 

I live with you in this happiness.

Not in the sky, earth, and a rolling stone,                                                                                 but where I am you and also you are me.
I live with you in this happiness.

Not life and death, status, and parents,                                                                             

but where I am you and also you are me.                                                                                

I live with you in this happiness.

September Garden

A simple thing—
Taking it slowly,
I’ll make my garden in my body.

There, your rose will bloom.
I am in each petal—
The radiance of your rose is also within me.

You Are Mangoes

From the morning market,
As the awakening sun shines in, I whisper:
Good! Good! Good!
You are mangoes.

I take one and say goodbye;                                                                                                     I will eat you
And say in my heart:
Good! Good! Good!

No matter where I go,
I can’t get you out of my head,

And whisper in silence:
Good! Good! Good!

Tracing the threads of memories,                                                                                   

I murmur in a dream:
Good! Good! Good!

Every night in peaceful sleep                                                                                                    

I cry, Joy! Joy! Joy!

That joy turns into a humming,

It becomes a melody—
Joy! Joy! Joy!

Waking, eating, working, dreaming, sleeping,                                                      

Meditating, dreaming,
My soul constantly rejoices:
Joy! Joy! Joy!                                                                                                                        

You are mangoes!

My bio

Maki Starfield, a poet, a translator and a painter, born in Ehime, 1972. She earned her Master of Arts from Sophia University, getting the diploma of International business management and the certificate of TESOL in Canada. She is a representative in Japan of Immagine Poesia, a member of Japan Universal Poets Association, and  Japanese haiku associates.


Guido Gozzano Prize (Honorable Mention) 2018,2019

Naji Naaman Literary Prize (Creativity) 2020

PushCart prize nomination 2020