Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
CV: Olga Kalyva, from Proastion, Karditsa, Greece is an awarded poetess and writer in and out of Greece.
Two poetic collections of her were published. She writes sonnets, haiku, poems with rhyme or not and with musical lyrics.
She has participated in Anthologies of Poems and her works can be found in sites and literature magazines. One of the poems «Jasmine» was set to music.
The nightingales, so sweet their tweet
refuse to pass, they can’t sing.
Eagles with golden wings
break their claws, stare their eyes
not flying.
Blossoms in yards and gardens hung
wither, stink, fall down to earth without glory
don’t give off a sweet smell.
Young boys and girls, the holy god of love,
are gone and grow old,
the youth don’t get drunk with feast.
The houses, bricks and tiles
with no linen
can’t open the doors.
You dare to smell the soil
to taste the smell after the rain
when nature twinkles
close to the slim tree shadow
that stands still awaiting for you.
A strange wind led the dance
with little branches
in a short sway
knocking about close to the eyelashes.
Water and fire,,,
Sometimes you are drowned with water
Sometimes fire devours you.
But the little tree stands still
though with half root.
Saturday night you went to take cool water
You bend to drink, to quench your thirst, to fill the pot.
Where’s the water of the source, the tap water?
Where’s the almond tree that stood next to it?
Where are the blossoms and the fruit and its deep roots?
Cease, my strong north wind, cease your rush,
in case a saved blossom return again.