Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Poet Edy Samudra Kertagama has been involved in the world of poetry since 1979 and has produced many anthologies of poetry including Anthology: Dry (1997), Nyanyian
Sunyi (2002), short poems Dew White (2004), Mantra the Prophet (2016), Carriage and Poetry Rajawali Bird (2019), Dusk and Drizzle (2024), Arutala 2024.

His poems have been published in
PUSAT Magazine (Jakarta Language
Center Agency as well as several
regional print media in Lampung,
apart from that they have also been
published in International Magazines
1. Atunis Galaxy Poetry Magazine-Albania (2024)
2. KOBIAL Magazine BANGLADESH (2024)
3. Literary e Magazine in Greece- Greece (2024)
4 Portal Magazine in Greece-Greece (2024)
5. ORFEU Magazine Kosovo (2024)
6. Gazeta Destinacioni Magazine-Albania (2024)
7. Sindh Courier Magazine Pakistan (2024).
8. Antunis Galaxy Poetry-Albania (2024)
9. Swapner Sahitya Patrika magazine (The Raft of Dreams Literary Magazine India) 2024.
10. Puspaprovat Magazine India, 2024.
11. Literary BARCALONA Magazine Spain 2024.
12. Raven Cege Magazine Germany 2024.
13. European Poetry Magazine(Greece) 2024.
14. Polis Magazino Greece (Greece) 2024.
15. Antunis Galaxy Poetry-Albania (2024)
16. Antunis Poetry Magazine 11/12/2024.
17.Alessandria Magazine-today Italy 11/12/2024. Received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Memorial of V.M Terkov 2023 (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod) Russia.
Starting in 2025, after the 7th
Anthology of Mantra Sang Nabi was
published 9 years ago,
poet Edy Samudra Kertagama has just
published two Anthologies at once,
namely Senja dan Gerimis and Arutala,
published by Lampung Literature in 2024,
which will be held by UKMBS UNILA, on Monday.
January 27 2025, at 19.30 at the PKM Building, 1st floor, Lampung University.
Apart from these two books,
a Lampung language poetry book has also been published:
Lehot Meranai Sai jama Kundang ni 2024,
published by Pustaka Labrak.
On the occasion of this launch,
the speakers were writers
Naim Emel Prahana and Solihin Utjok,
guided by moderator Edi Siswanto.
On another occasion, Poet Edy Samudra Kertagama, who is nicknamed the Poet Prophet, said that of the two books that would be launched, especially in the Arutala anthology, there were notes given by one critic from USU Medan, namely Dr. Bima Prana Chitra, S.S, M.Hum and three analysts,
namely Rosa Maria Chiarello, an Italian poet,
Williamsji Maveli, an Indian poet and Senol Alcinkaya from Türkiye.
Meanwhile, the book Senja dan Gerimis is annotated by Lampung poet and director Iswadi Pratama and Ari Pahala Hutabarat. (rsmd.esk.25).