Poems by Azemina Krehić

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Azemina Krehić was born on October 14, 1992 in Metković, Republic of Croatia. Winner of several international awards for poetry, including: Award of university professors in Trieste, 2019., “Mak Dizdar” award, 2020.

Award of the Publishing Foundation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021. “Fra Martin Nedić” Award, 2022. She is represented in several international anthologies of poetry. 


I once wrote a song about freedom. And I buried her deep below the threshold of the parents’ house.
Some neighbors saw it and they called me a witch, possessed by a demon.
When everything was being killed and demolished, they fled under the frame of mine blue door and they begged me to I summon all my spirits.
I put the paper down on the nearest palm, and it just said:
Freedom sometimes lies more peacefully underground, because it prefers free deaths to fears and sad human sighs.


I hide in you
Like a stone in an overripe
I float in your fragrant juices,
trembling from the bird’s greedy beak
that will tear us apart. And I will not answer your question;
Are fruits also condemned to loneliness?


Behind the monastery, under a yew tree, in a lonely grave the worms have already worn out the hands of the one who made the mirror.
In front of the monastery, in the cemetery of discarded things; faded photographs, decapitated icons, saints pleading for salvation, and tarnished brass.
After midnight,
I am a silhouette that jumps into the depth of the mirror.

There’s nothing between us anymore.
