Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Translated by Charles Lipanda Mahigwe – African and Congolese poet in Swahili Language – the most spoken language in Africa and other parts of the world. Fallen Angel “Malaika Aliyeanguka”
Fallen Angel
When u have your body covered, your eyes covered, your hands coverd but your mind can create a world of love and beauty…
U are a fallen Angel
When u have been in a toxic relationship, no matter if is your close friend or family or your wife or your husband and you manage to get out intact, with your heart full of hope
U are a fallen Angel
If you were ever bullied about your sex, your ability to learn too slow or to eat too much or to cry for everything, or to be too sentimental
U are a fallen Angel
If you are broken and you try to fix the other without asking for understanding or compassion or even someone be there with you in your hardest times…
U are a fallen Angel
As this world goes through difficult times and become more and more dangerous for women and children, I pray to you Fallen Angel…
Put back your beautiful wings
This world needs you to heal!!!!
Author: Eva Petropoulou Lianou ©®
Malaika Aliyeanguka
Unapokuwa na mwili unao funikiwa,
Macho yako inao funikiwa,
Mikono inayo funikiwa
Ila akili yako inaweza unda dunia ya upendo na urembo…
Wewe ni malaika aliye anguka
Unapokuwa mu mausiyano ya mubaya,
Akuna shida ikiwa rafikiya wakaribu au familiya yako au mkewako au mume wako
Na unaweza kutoka ukiasiriwa,
Pamoja na moyo wako ukijazwa matumaini
Wewe ni malaika aliye anguka
Kama ushaka tishiwa ju ya ginsiya yako, uwezo wako wakujifunza ikuwa chini sana, au ukila sana, au kuliya kwakila kitu, au kuwa naisiya nyingi
Wewe ni malaika aliye anguka
Kama umevunjwa na unajaribu ku weka nyingine sawa bila kuiliza kwa kuelewekwa au musaada au mtu yeyote kuwa pamoja na wewe mu nyakati ngumu
Wewe ni malaika aliye anguka
Kama ginsi iyi dunia inapitiya changamoto na inakuwa yenye kuzuru sana na sana wanawake na watoto, na kuomba wewe malaika aliye anguka…
Rudisha ma bawa yako ma rembo
Iyi dunia inakuitaji ku ponya!!!