Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Poet Mr. Ham Myeong Chun was born in Chuncheon City, Gangwon-do, South Korea, and currently resides in Seoul. He made his literary debut in 1991 when he published his poem “Broad-leaved Forest” in the Seoul Shinmun Shinchun Literature. He worked as an editor for a publishing company for a long time, and his collections of poetry include “Twig Seeking the Light,” “Unknown Poet,” and “A Haenyeo Lives in the Subway.” He won the 2021 Pyeonmun Literary Award.
The story of the bell
His body was a belfry
His heart was a bell hung in a bell tower
The bell rang like an echo every day.
However, no matter how much they listen,
They couldn’t hear the bell.
The bell’s resonance echoes selfless sacrifice,
Its solemn toll a testament to humble cries.
He humbled himself infinitely until he died,
He shed sweat and tears for others.
As the days go by, the bells ring,
It resounded louder and farther
However, no matter how much they listen,
They couldn’t hear the bell.
People called it the love bell
종(鐘) 이야기
그의 몸은 종루였고
마음은 종루에 걸린 종이었다
종에선 날마다 종소리가 울려 퍼졌다
허나 아무리 귀 기울여도
종소리를 들을 수 없었다
한없이 자신을 낮추고
남을 위해 흘린 땀방울과 눈물이 종소리였기 때문이다
임종 직전까지 한없이 자기를 낮추고
남을 위해 땀방울과 눈물을 흘렸던
그를 기리기 위해 사람들은
주일에 한 번씩 그가 행했던 일을 따랐다
날이 갈수록 종소리는
점점 더 크게, 더 멀리 울려 퍼져 나갔다
허나 아무리 귀 기울여도
종소리를 들을 수 없었다
그것을 사람들은 사랑의 종소리라고 불렀다