Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Purple Wings of Nights By Hillol Ray
On weekend dreams and thoughts within thoughts,
My nifty hands grope a circle of pale Chilean sky-
And stand naked, as if sun baked and partly checked,
But quiver alone in the coolness of the nights to sigh!
The dawn dries up a radiance on the forehead,
To deepen the old tumults of a natural dream-
And regretfully I give up my weary sleeps,
For flexing the body to allow me to scream!
My brain sinks beyond all norms and sounds,
And becomes fearful in a shallow dissonance-
While the percussion in my elephant ears
Consumes the curious but old resonance!
Impermanent as light, the purpose of hapless life
Faces the ambiguities of the cavern-piercing sun-
And the wavering hands divide the only dilemma,
To decree the caresses through all penetration fun!
Obscured death withdraws the veils under veil,
To exhibit new darkness and profounder terror-
But I consider such losses of a truly ill-fated one,
Who might lose the strengths of heart in an error!
Clear darkness wrestles with me at all nights,
As I watch the real procession of living days-
While dawn blends with the dusk softly in a rush,
As Vodka in water gleams under copper sun rays!
I have noticed, pulse of noisy tears like to sob alone,
And dissolves the octave notes in a melodious song-
Like the flow of molasses in the hot mid-summer,
Or milk shed in water, to prove nothing is wrong!
Regrets along the flowing weeds of rejected hapless life,
Behave like the wayfaring ants towards strangled flame-
And the purple wings of nights play real ignorance,
As it can’t pierce the hidden secluded day to blame!!
“Milestone” September 4, 2022
© Copyright September 4, 022, by Hillol Ray
Brute Questions of the Hour By Hillol Ray
The emptiness of age engulfs me now often,
With the fear of immortality of my own image-
And the world moves in the pursuit of happiness,
To embark on a profession including a sage!
A spirit that never grieves nor hopes for anything,
But promulgates enviable brutal and tattered law-
Will blow out the lights of fairness and justice,
Slanted back on an anvil to hammer out a flaw!
World’s daring greed may originate on the cobwebs,
And trace the stars, or haunt the heaven for the power-
But the question remains: Is it the dream of eternity,
And needs to be rejuvenated by a heavenly shower?
In the event of a whirlwind, protest turns into prophecy,
Profaned, plundered, and disenchanted for sure-
And the times’ tragedy will be napping in aches,
While the rift of dusk and dawn will never cure!
Power and greed have made the world a platform of war,
And the humanity bereaves in brooding silence and fear-
While the thoughts about immortality have come to a halt,
Ans the fangs of distortion and terrorism swallow the tear,
How will the future reckon and reflect with the man,
Against irreconciliation and brute questions of the hour-
And the dumb terror will rise and crawl to rule the world,
From the peaks of only artificial intelligence (AI) tower!!
“Milestone” December 26,2023
© Copyright December 26,2023 by Hillol Ray
Hillol Ray, B.S. (Civil Engineering), M.S. (Environmental Engineering), D.Litt., Ph.D. (Doctor of Humanity), D.Phil. (Theology), Ph.D. (Honoris Causa), D.Phil. (Nigeria), D.Litt. (Morocco), Ph.D. (Morocco), Fellow: The Royal Society of Health (London), Founder Fellow: The Institution of Diagnostic Engineers (United Kingdom), Poet Laureate, Author, Translator, is an Environmental Engineer with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Dallas, Texas. He is listed in Who’s Who in Asian-Americans, Marquis Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, and Who’s Who in the World. He was felicitated with Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. His books “Wings of Time”, “Metamorphic Portrait”, “Hillologues” (Amazon. Com) -recently released.
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