Javier Montesinos Bosch: “I wish for peace in the world”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Bio: Born in Valencia (Spain) in 1966. I work as a civil servant in the State Administration, in the Ministry of the Interior. Passionate about reading, writing, music and drawing. I have an instagram account @montesinos.javier, where you can find all my activity. I participate in challenges @escueladetintapurpura, @ceacorrecciones, @Legensfounders and @laguaridadelwendigo and illustrated microrrelatos of the University of Jaen.

I do video reviews, booktrailers of novels, illustrations both manual and digital and cover design. You can see my work on my instagram account and on:

“Love, humour and other crimes” in which I participated with three stories, cover design and several illustrations.

Cover design for “Relatos en la maleta” with two stories.

Illustrations for the novel “La Jaula de las mariposas” by Lakiaf Amortegui.

Illustrations of the story “Perico Calvorotas” by Luisa R. Bueno.

Share your thoughts on the future of literature. When did you start writing?

I’ve been writing forever, but when I took the step to showcase my writing was in 2019 by participating in the story challenges on instagram of Purple Ink School. Week after week I wrote in each challenge and there I got into a routine that helped me improve with feedback from other participating writers. I was selected in two challenges.

With some of the participants I came up with the idea of creating a writers’ group and “Amigos entre Letras” was born, for me a family with whom I share the illusion of writing.

The good and the bad of writing: Who is winning nowadays?

For me, the good, the gratifying and the dream of creating stories with which I can make fiction travel. Besides, writing has given me people with whom I share a wonderful hobby and who have helped me a lot in learning and in life in general. The companionship that is created is magical.

How many books have you written and where can we find your books?

I have participated in different anthologies of short stories that you can buy on Amazon.

“Love, humour and other crimes” and “Stories in the suitcase” by Amigos Entre Letras.

“Crónicas de la Pandemia” by Tinta Púrpura Ediciones.

“Stories of a summer” by Legendsfounders.

“Cuentos en la retina” by Tinta Púrpura Ediciones.

The book, how do you prefer it, electronic or hardcover? Which will be the future?

I prefer reading on paper, although I also read digitally. I think that paper should not disappear, the touch and smell are something important that should not be lost. Although I understand that with new technologies and also the economic advantage, there may be a trend towards electronic reading.

A wish for 2024

I wish for peace in the world, any war is unjust and dialogue and understanding should be the goal to achieve. I wish for equality at all levels and that we all have the same opportunities to achieve our dreams. 
