M. Lina Hernadez Fuentes: “Writing is a gift of peace to a restless soul”

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

M. LINA HERNADEZ FUENTES, lover of the moon, co-author of several anthologies at international level, winner of several literary competitions, poet and narrative writer, born in Venezuela, recently published her poetry book: POELINADAS, where she transmits her love towards her family, the environment and life in general. She is sensitive, dreamy and with many dreams yet to be fulfilled in the world of literature. You can find her in the networks as: @linaluna58escritora

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When did you start writing?

Since I was a little girl for me. I am currently writing a fiction novel as well as my autobiography.

The Good and Bad of writing. Who is winning nowadays?

Writing is a gift of peace to a restless soul, it is to appease a passionate love, and it is to calm the anger of the wrathful. Those who write and those who read are all winners.

How many books have you written and where can we find your books?

Several anthologies on Amazon and a collection of poems and I hope to publish it on Amazon.

The book, how do you prefer it, electronic or hardcover, what will be the future?

Both in order to reach all tastes of the public.

A wish for 2024

May opportunity and possibility take me by the hand and lead me to a better future.

Opportunity: An opportune or convenient time or circumstance for something.

Possibility: Aptitude, power or occasion for something to be or exist. 
