Dang Huynh Thai: “Literature is always enough to attract, lead, and unite, many souls together”

Interview writer Dang Huynh Thai from Vietnam (by Khanh Phuong)

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μετάφραση: Kiều Bích Hậu (Writer – Translator – Journalist)

His biography: Profession: Thirty years of journalism, Radio and Television Editor. Member of Vietnamese Journalists Association, member of Quang Ninh Provincial Literature and Art Association. Main published works: Many scripts for the documentary film and feature films; Many short stories; Special Novel “Earth and Blood” published by Vietnamese Writers’Association and already translated into English; Many short scripts and autographed reports in magazines and online newspapers…

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When you start writing? I have been a journalist and writer since was 18 years old with. First, writing newspapers, reading newspapers broadcasting, then writing movie scripts, theater scripts. During the years of resistance against the US, I was always on the front lines of smoke and fire. Writing at that time was a creative work but very dangerous. In every event, the person whether fictional or real, is a typical character for a good community, a forecast for the future. If going wrong, it will create a deviation for society and the community. Many works are not approved nor published due to these reasons. I always think about that.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? I am not arguing who is the winner today, because I think the literature is a human, each person has a brain of their own, a separate thought. Even the best literature work, there are people who would say “it is not good”. Nowadays, in the mass media, people write in many different ways, like flowers in bloom. Printing books, online books, audio books… making writers and readers bewildered walking in the forest of different words. But the literature with its sacred beauty and power that is always enough to attract, lead, and unite many souls together.

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? I have published three books:

– “Earth and Blood” Novel thick 730 pages

– Short stories published in many magazines and online newspapers.

– The story “Memory of a lifetime” has just been published on Home Universalis of Greece by English

For domestic and foreign readers who wish to access the film “The Mines, People and History”, I put it on Youtube, now there are more than 800 subscribers. Go to Youtube homepage, type in the search term name, or follow the link: https://youtu.be/iqf_KfbTecI to view. Recently, the novel “Earth and Blood” was honored on “tonvinhvanhoadoc.net”. Go to the Youtube homepage, type the keyword in the search, then can hear it. Broadcast at 21:15 every Tuesday.

The book. E book or Hardcover book. What will be the future? Current and future eBooks will capture a wide audience. Good sites can reach tens of thousands of readers a day. Because science and technology is developed fast, each person owns many electronic devices and has unlimited access without space and time. Only after few second, there is lots of information results around the world. Printing books are slower but has many advantages such as completion, sustainability, high reliability. Managers, researchers, writers… those are really in need. To stand strongly, e-books must be strictly managed, avoiding fraud, information theft, copyright loss, malicious viruses…

A wish for 2023? In the new year of 2023, I wish all writers/poets around the world good luck and lots of energy to continue their creative journeys.

A phrase from my novel “History of Mine Laborers” “The Northeast coal basin is hundreds of kilometers long, from Pha Lai through Dong Trieu to Cu Lao Cai Bau. Inside, hundreds of meters deep, layers of Angtracite coal. The Northeast coal basin is near the national maritime route connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, exporting coal in country and abroad is extremely convenient. Many forces in the world were compete for possession. Digging was over

People’s hearts are only a few inches deep, it have not been dug forever but never can reach…
