Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
“I have written about 100 volumes of books: poetry and prose. The bulk of them have not yet been published”
Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When u start writing?
I am afraid that the future of literature will face serious global changes due to the influence of Artificial Intelligence in our lives. If until recently a person who writes poetry, writes fairy tales, stories, novels, was called a poet, writer, literary man, who wrote with his own hand, at the call of the heart and at the behest of thinking, then in the near future an alternative literature may appear, with alternative poets and writers who are not averse to creating works using the supernatural capabilities of the same Artificial Intelligence. Thus, an army of digital writers may appear, claiming leadership in the Universe, apart from the Lord God. God forbid!
And when I wrote my first poem, I was 13 years old. Its theme was devoted to the issues of saving the Earth from the threat of an atomic bomb against the backdrop of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the issues of violence of Evil against Good. Sorry, since then this theme has been the leitmotif of my work.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays?
Unfortunately, our Universe consists of Good and Evil. Of good people and of bad people. Of herbivores and of carnivores. In mutual struggle among themselves, bad creatures devour good people literally and figuratively, during wars, by killing, also wild animals that eternally devour peaceful, weak, harmless animals. And you can’t do anything about it. For that’s how the World works. All that remains is to sympathize, to have mercy on the victims with the help of poems, fairy tales, stories, novellas and novels.
I think that in this struggle, as always, albeit temporarily, Evil wins, which is armed with evil intent, not disdaining any means of baseness that exist on Earth. But Good does not give up either. It tries with all its might to respond to Evil with dignity, sometimes achieving success in this field. Because, this is what God Himself wants.
How many books have you written? And where can we find your books?
I have written about 100 volumes of books: poetry and prose. The bulk of them have not yet been published.
My books can be found on the book portals AMAZON, LULU, LitRes and other electronic sources, in social networks, as well as in bookstores in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and other countries.

The book. E book or Hardcover book. What will be the future?
It seems to me that the future of the book is still in paper, printed editions. Why? Because it is not very correct to hope for electronic editions, the existence of which depends solely on electricity. Imagine. The lights go out in the city, and all your creativity disappears from the monitor of your computer, smartphone, etc. in one second. That is why I believe most of all in paper books, the contents of which can be kept at hand, read even with the help of candles. But I do not thereby cross out the global role of electronic editions, thanks to which the whole world reads us. For this is a phenomenon of the times that cannot be denied. I think that electronic books can also be stored in special technical devices. After all, electricity is an inexhaustible source. Thank God, there are hydroelectric power stations, wind and solar batteries…
A phrase from your book or a book you like
My favorite phrase, which personifies my life and all my work: “It is necessary to remain Human at all costs.” This principle is present in all my works.
Thank you so much.

Rahim Karim (Karimov) – Uzbek – Russian – Kyrgyz poet, writer, publicist, translator (b. 1960, Osh, Kyrgyzstan). Graduated from the Moscow Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky (1986) Member of the National Union of Writers, the Union of Journalists of the Kyrgyz Republic. Honorary Doctor of Philosophy, Academician, laureate of international awards. Author of over 60 books of original and translated poetry and prose. Works and books have been published in over 60 languages in over 100 countries. World Ambassador of Peace and Literature. Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature and Peace for 2023 and 2024.