“Man’s eyes are not windows, even though they have long been viewed as such. They often see what isn’t there or fail to see what is. Man’s eyes are the first sense and they make mistakes.” – Victor Vasarely.

After two postponements -November 2020 and May 2021- due to the restrictive measures of the government for protection from the pandemic, we are particularly pleased to open the gates of the 5th Art-Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair November 25-28, 2021.
In this year’s edition we will have the honor to host, in collaboration with Osten Museum of Drawing – Skopje, one of the “fathers” of Op Art movement, Victor Vasarely.

Optical Art (or Op Art, as an abbreviation), with reference to a quite specific optical illusion created in the viewers and their perception in an encounter with an entirely new aesthetics of painting.

The collection of the Osten Museum of Drawing contains 90 works by Vasarely which include: drawings, serigraphs, mixed media works, objects, collages coming from the collection of the Hungarian collector Tibor Csepei – a friend of Vasarely’s, manager and promoter of his works, who possesses over 800 of his works and who has been actively working on his mission to promote his art around the globe for many years now.

You will get to know this authentic artist – the synonym for Op Art who, despite the limited number of his motifs and combinations, has managed to introduce a new understanding of the meaning of a picture/artwork in contemporary art.