Tarana Turan Rahimli: “I hope that in the future, literature will dominate thoughts and guide humanity”

Σας παρουσιάζουμε την Associate Professor, Doctor Tarana Turan Rahimli

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Assosiate Prof. Dr. Tarana Turan Rahimli is an Azerbaijani poet, writer, journalist, translator, literary critic, teacher, academic, is an active member of the International Literary Agency in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Philippine, Kazakhstan, İtaly, Oman, Belgium, USA. She is a doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, author of 8 books and more than 500 articles. She is the editor and reviewer of 20 monographs and poetry books.The work has been published in more than 45 Western and Eastern countries.

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When u start writing? Literature has never been more operative than now. The works written now reach the world reader immediately, reactions about it – appreciation or criticism are not delayed. This is due to the fact that we live in the Internet age and share our work and successes on social networks. Our works are often published in foreign countries. Literature has always been ahead of history, and great artistic ideas have been far ahead of centuries. Today we live in a time of wars and terrible political chaos. Political interests are against the laws of humanity, so today there are mass deaths, cities destroyed by bombs,  even the deaths of children. Although literature is not indifferent to all these events, it is not able to change the situation. I wish that at a time when literary relations are strengthening all over the world, when peoples of the world read each other’s works so easily, literature can oppose political interests. It is important that literature affects the fate of the world. The future of humanity is in danger, only HUMANITY can save it. Literature is the best preacher and instigator of humanism. I hope that in the future, literature will dominate thoughts and guide humanity. If we look at today’s business-oriented development of literature, we will see that in the future it will also be selected as an influential field in the material world.

When a subject bothers me a lot, even when it bothers me so much that it doesn’t allow me to live, then I start writing. That is, I can’t sleep at night thinking about that topic, I can’t find a place for myself during the day. Only after that I take the pen and write.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? If we look at the picture of the 21st century, we see that monetary power and material domination are the leaders. When materiality is the most important factor, spirituality is overshadowed. And of course, at this time, not everyone can stay well because people are focused only on financial gain. Only those who have a strong will, a lot of knowledge, a broad outlook and a rich spirituality can remain good. To be able to remain good, I think, is to win in the fight against evil. I always believe in the victory of good. In my opinion, if it were not so, the world would still not live despite so many evils. It is the good ones who keep the world alive and standing.

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? 8 of my books were published: “A worthy souvenir of the great generation” (2002, Baku), “Whisper of sadness” (2007, Baku), “Creative problems of literature and criticism” (2009, Baku), “They will know me by my love” (2013 , İzmir), “A poem I didn’t write for you” (2013, Ankara), “From literature to eternity” (2012, Baku), “Azerbaijani prose and criticism” (2017, Baku), “Purple clouds” (2018, Baku). I have 5 new books ready for publication on my computer. I plan to submit them for publication. My books are available in the libraries and electronic libraries of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Italy.

The book. E book or Hardcover book? What will be the future? I am reading both today. However, computer rays or telephones quickly tire a person and pose a serious threat to health. That’s why I prefer to read from a hardcover book. But I read new literary achievements, the latest world literature, the works of my writer friends abroad mainly from e-books. I think that it is impossible without an e-book. And no matter how much we love and value hardcover books, in the near future the whole world will switch to electronic books.

A wish for 2022. A phrase from your book. We finish the year 2022. I wish the coming year 2023 to be a year of peace and understanding. Because in a world where there are wars, it is impossible not only to live happily, but even to breathe. I don’t want to see any more tears, ruined cities, displaced, unhappy people taking refuge in other countries.

A sentence from my poetry books…

“To delete the  world  from your memory,

And to start to get acquainted with it again”.

Thank you so much. I also thank you for your thought-provoking and interesting questions and wish you success.
