Serebryakova Varvara Sergeevna: “Poetry has been interesting to students at all times, as it is the most vivid way of expressing their feelings…”

Σας παρουσιάζουμε την Serebryakova Varvara Sergeevna (born in 2003) St. Petersburg.

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μετάφραση: Alexander Kabishev

Bio: Student of BSTU “Voenmeh”. In addition to studying at a technical university, there is education and extensive experience in working with children (as a counselor, animator, organizer, coach, etc.). Member of the Presidium of the Youth Writers’ Union. The president of the Literary club “DEMO GOG”, located on the basis of BSTU “Voenmeh”. My dream is to become the organizer of a major creative festival or other major event in a creative theme.

Do you remember your first poems that you wrote, what inspired you? Which poets, writers have had the strongest influence on you, why? Despite the fact that I consider myself more of a prose writer, my very first works were poems on New Year’s themes. For me, since childhood, it has been and remains the most anticipated and favorite holiday on the eve of which a special, creative mood is created. The strongest influence not so much on creativity as on personality was exerted by N.V. Gogol and Jules Verne. In the works of the first author, I was fascinated by the mystique and depth of the reader’s involvement in what was happening, and in the works of the second, I enthusiastically read about science fiction inventions, which two centuries ago were considered fiction, and now for us an ordinary reality.

Do you have a favorite book? Yes, I have. “20 thousand leagues under the sea” by Jules Verne. This book has collected everything that I love, and perhaps I fell in love with it thanks to this book. A detailed description of engineering inventions, interesting facts and stories from the life of the underwater world and its inhabitants, and, of course, deep, not cliched types of characters, which are interesting to watch from time to time reading the book.

What do modern poets of Russia have in common and how do they differ? In the universal understanding, all the poets of Russia have similar problems and emotional experiences, the only big difference is in the way they look at these problems. Surprisingly, it is young authors who are more inclined to a realistic vision of the problem. The older generation either romanticizes the problem too much, or on the contrary, is excessively hostile because of the Soviet ideology invested in them in childhood and youth, which they cannot abandon even after so many years.

How to combine learning and poetry? Do you have creative clubs at your university and what do students think about poetry? Personally, it is quite difficult for me to combine creativity and study, and this is connected exclusively with the specialty of my training. I am studying to be a military engineer and, like any engineering, it requires a considerable infusion of creative energy and ingenuity. Yes, there are certainly creative organizations. I am directly the president of the Literary Club at my university. The club is developing and living. Every year we have new young talents, but graduates do not forget us and regularly come to all our meetings and events.

Is poetry interesting to students? Do you have many writing acquaintances? Poetry has been interesting to students at all times, as it is the most vivid way of expressing their feelings, emotions and their civic position, of which young people have more than enough. I have quite a lot of writing acquaintances: these are my clubmates, colleagues in SMEs, classmates, classmates, my parents, and colleagues of my parents.

How can modern literature be made more interesting for young people? Each literary genre has its own reader, and the number of these readers, as I believe, depends on the general cultural development and cultural aspirations of young people. Unfortunately, there are not so many young people reading in this century compared to the last century, and this is due to the fact that young people have many other ways of entertaining and getting information. The cultural desire of young people for literature should be developed from childhood, but not by forcing children to read what they are not interested in, but to discuss and give them interesting works that they are primarily interested in by age and hobbies. In this way, children will perceive the book as a friend and as an interesting world, and not as a punishment. In the course of growing up of a child and subsequently an adult, the themes and stylistics of the works will change.