Rezauddin Stalin: “I enjoyed reading poems and I had some new ideas about poetry…”

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

“I would love to share my thoughts and messages with my readers through my poems and engage them, and inspire them to make this world a better place”

Dear poet or author, Please share your thoughts about the future of literature.
When did you start writing? Many thanks for choosing me for this interview.
I started writing in my childhood when I was a student in class five. I enjoyed reading poems and I had some new ideas about poetry and wanted to express those through my poems. From there my writing journey begins.
I think future poetry should be scientific. While some of the poems represent weariness and tedium, some other poems portray motion and speed. However, the question is what would be the future of literature? I am not yet sure how I must brand future literature but it could be Modernism, post-modernism, or something similar. I think anti-poetry, novels, and theatre are by now established schools. In the future literature is coming with new diction, new syntax, and also opposed to rationalism. I think the Literature of 2025 will be guided by technology. Now computers (like ChatGPT) can write poems, short stories, and even novels. Moreover, that sorts of Novels and poems are getting awarded. However, in my perspective, this is not good for Human civilization. Creativity should come from human talent and not from AI-based technology. Technology could help and assist but not write the whole thing for the readers as I, through my poems would like to empathize with my readers and it is only possible through putting genuine emotions and thoughts coming straight from the heart and not from robots.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning nowadays? Certainly, Good always wins. With that thought, I would like to share some lines from the poem of the Great poet and writer of Nigeria — Ben Okri
“They tell me that the world Is rich with terror. Dear, I say the World is rich with
love unfound, It’s inside us and all around.”
I think this is enough to answer this question.

How many books have you written and where can we find your books? I have nearly written about a hundred books. Amongst them, few books are available on Amazon. For example, my book ‘Selected Poems of Rezauddin Stalin’ is available on Amazon. Moreover, my book – ‘The Days of Crucifixion’, which was published by Prodigy Publication is also available in book stalls and shops. Also, my recent publications are mostly available at book fairs in Bangladesh and abroad.

The book. E-book or Hardcover book
What will be the future? In my opinion, E-books or Hardcover books both will sustain. This is because E book is a new technology, and people are already almost habituated to this online world.  On the other hand, the classic way to read a book is to have a printed copy and enjoy reading the book at Park or Library. This is a pivotal shift and I would say that we have both types of readers. Even five hundred years ago we only had Waterways and Footways and could not imagine Railways and Airways but we have discovered them and have been utilising them very well. Therefore, I would say although Gen Z could be E book lovers but printed book lovers all exist and we should embrace both versions depending on the reader’s choice.

A wish for 2023. My wish for 2023 is that I want to write more beautiful and extraordinary poems for my readers. I want my poems to be translated into almost all languages worldwide. I am proud to say that my poems have been translated into 42 Languages. I would love to share my thoughts and messages with my readers through my poems and engage them, and inspire them to make this world a better place. My readers are the ones that keep me going and so this motivates me to write more.

Thank you so much.

Bio of Rezauddin Stalin
Rezauddin Stalin is a well-known poet in Bangladesh and beyond and is born on 22nd November 1962 in Jessore, Bangladesh. He has completed his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and MA in Political Science from Dhaka University. He is the former Deputy Director of Nazrul Institute where he was employed for 35 years. Stalin’s poems got translated into most languages in the world and he is also a well-known TV anchor and media personality in Bangladesh. Stalin is the founder and chairman of the Performing Art Center and is also the senior editor of Magic Lonthon – a literary organization.

Rezauddin Stalin’s total number of books are more than 100 now and his Wikipedia link is:

He has received many awards and some accolades are: Darjeeling Natto Chokhro Award India (1985), Bangla Academy (2006), Micheal Modhushudhan Dutta Award (2009), Shobho Shachi Award West Bengal (2011), Torongo of California Award USA (2012), Writers Club Award California USA (2012), Badam Cultural Award California USA (2012), City Ananda Alo Award (2015), West Bengal, India, Centre Stage Barashat Award (2018), Journalist Association Award UK (2018) and Silk Road Poet Laureate Award Xi’an China (2020).

His Social Media links are: