Rajumoni Saikia: “I am sure and hopefull the society will survive as long as till the good last man alive” 

Interview with Rajumoni Saikia, Author, India

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Dear poet, please introduce yourself with Educational qualifications. I am Rajumoni Saikia, (An Assamese. An Indian). My Educationsl Qualifications are as fillows. Master of Arts. Bachlor in Education. Diploma in  kannada Language from Sourthern Regional Language Centre( CIIL). International level award winner poet, Article writer, Novalist.

Address: Assam (India) [email protected]

Bio: Rajumoni Saikia (born 1967) is a multilingual poet of Assam (India). I writes in Assamese, English, Bangla and Hindi languages. Except English these are Indian languages. I have  attended several literary festival and poetry meet organised at the National and International levels. I have been honored with different awards such as: Noble Star for Literature 2018, World Peace Icon 2019. Indology 2019, World Icon of Literature 2019, Atmobiswas Award, Sahitya Piyus, world great personality award 2020, World English  Writers Union International (Indian catagory)Literature Award 2019, Morigaon Jila Sahitya Sabha ‘Prerona award’ for literature , NEBCUS media award, Listed his name in World Directory of Literature, Rahim karim korimov award from kyrgistan etc. I am  an author of 25 books.

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. The thoughts of the world is changing. Now it is the period of challenge. Literature based on the mind of readers. The life of the readers are ffaching different problems day by day. Readers are social human. They can’t avoid the mentality of the society. So literature also rushing in the same line. I hope future literature is challanging. Good writings also respected.

When you start writing? I started writing in 1990 . I was a journalist from 1989 to 1999. Wrote articles and poems for the news papers. My first poetry collection published in 1990. Now I am an author of 25 books. As a drama artist I scripted short plays. I wrote screenplays for two tv serials and worked as asdistant director.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? Propoganda is existing in the world in a large range. Every where propoganda is seen. I never support it. It prevails to destroy the unity of the soceity. Kills the humanity. But there are good people are wroking against it. I am sure and hopefull the society will survive as long as till the good last man alive.

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? I have written 18  of books that already published. I edited total 7 books. You can find my books in Amazon too.

The book. E book or Hardcover book. What will be the future? Technology is developed. Ebooks is now a trend. The future  of  Ebook is very doubtfull. I am not very interested on this trend. Hardcover books are most welcome. It reflects the beauty of a book. 

A wish for 2023. A phrase from your book. I shall be happy to add a paragraph from my Novel SWABHIMAN (PRIDE)– the pain and stryggle. 

“I am not the supporter of composing poem reading its formula. Let them use formulas as they can. I have written poem with the experience of twenty six years. I think poem is freedom. There is nothing specific called form. Everyone is going ahead with progressive mind. All poets are busy with ‘Innovative Thinking, Critical Thinking of Human Life and Behavior, Creation of Social Behavior’. In fact poem is always experimental implementation. Poets today are giving more priority on ‘Innovative Thinking’ than creating sweetness and forms. Poets are concentrating more on wiping man created problems. The poets are front runner among playwright, novelist, and prose writer in this need of hour.

In later years means post corona period the style of poetry will be changed. Man will come to realism. ‘Realism’ will be new trend of literature. The literature of Post World War II was changed drastically. 

It is believed in post World War II poets concentrated on Existentialism and tried to create new style of poetry instead of writing epic. Since 1939 means after World War II not a single epic has been written till Corona Pandemic of 2020. Now people will concentrate more on struggling battle of life within heart and mind to develop in future instead of writing great epic. An unknown fear of another pandemic will grip everyone. Men will always feel loneliness. Men will live an in secured life all the while.

Having read many epics from different religions in my mind comes to survive in world men need love, trust and courage. I tried to analyze for long time on these three subjects after reading Bible. Thereafter I read Gita found word ‘sacrifice’ is added in previous three words. don’t think in coming days these four words will have any worth among youngsters. But no one can ignore them. Its eternal truth.

The literature, poetry must go ahead complying these words. That means to fill the gap of ‘Moral Education’ litterateurs and poets must be promising to create poetic literature.

Poets are freedom. am poet. am freedom. But earth is not freedom. It is not free from pandemic. The peak of human medical science is grey today. Having reached the highest peak of scientific development still man is unable to uproot virus to save lives. There is no tragedy other than this for men.”

Thank you so much.

Thank you too.

Rajumoni Saikia [email protected]
