Poems by Yuray Tolentino Hevia from Cuba

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Translation: Leidy Díaz Hevia
Of the unpublished book: My girlfriend wears a pamela hat (2022)

Yuray Tolentino Hevia. (Güira de Melena, Cuba). Poet, screenwriter, curator, art critic and producer. His work has been published in different magazines, newspapers and poetry and narrative anthologies in Cuba, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Canadá, Alemania, Puerto Rico, Chile, the United States, Italy, Macedonia, Japon, India, Bélgica, Indonesia, Turkia and Mexico. He has published the books of poetry “Puertas, boleros y cenizas” and “Yo soyolos”, in 2019, and “Between the helmet and the bad idea” (Chronicles of Plastic Arts), 2021. International Award “Tulliola – Renato Filippelli”, in Spanish language, 2020, Italy. VIII Edition of the International Award of Excellence “Ciudad del Galateo-Antonio De Ferrariis”, 2021, Italy. III Premio world “Cesar Vallejo” 2022, Cultural Excellence Modality.

I want to throw my books
the ones I keep in memory
the ones i haven’t read
the ones I’ll never know were written.
I want to hold on to those lyrics
that lead me to the cross
and keep me from being a slave to my shadow.
I want to be that raindrop
naked and alone
in a full bucket, beyond its limit.

I am prey to my fears
to wear a bandaged voice
and just lower your head
riding the wave off kanagawa
without a shore that embraces me.
Prey of the verse that uncomfortable
of the mirror verse where my days
they hit reality with the tickets
of silence
and a white rose.

Our lilies withered
because they covered the garden
with wire fences
and they pierced dreams, with the pick.

I went out looking
the sticks that life gives me
and I turned them into verses
and brooms with salt behind the door
to keep the blows away.
