Poems by Verica Tadić

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


Verica Tadić was born in Donji Dubac, (Municipality of Lučani) on December 8, 1949. She writes poetry and prose. She is represented in twenty-seven anthologies. She won several literary awards, for poetry, aphorisms, essays, and stories, in her country.
Laureate is also the prize of the Naji Naaman Foundation, from Lebanon – „Honor prizes (for complete works)“, for 2018. She is an honorary member of the „Maison Naaman pour la Culture“, from Lebanon, since 2018.
She won the third prize at the international competition „Zheng Nian Cup“, in China, 2023 (for the literary essay „Alchemical land in the sea of time“ (About the literary work of Milorad Pavić)).
She is the honorary ambassador of Femineartfest Festival, for 2021, in Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
She has published thirteen books. Her poetry has been translated into Slovakian, Russian, Polish, German, English  Spanish, Iitalien and short stories into Slovenian.
Magazine “Scroll“, (edition no. 27-28. 2001) was dedicated to literary opus of  Verica Tadić.
The international magazine „Diogen”, which is printed in the Library of  USA Congress, has dedicated 47 pages to Verica Tadić (by publishing 25 of  her poems).
Dr Milovan Gočmanac wrote the book: “Spiritualized Lyric Sensibility” (2012), in which he analyses the literary opus of  Verica Tadić.
Dr Milovan Gočmanac prepared a book of reviews about the literary work of Verica Tadić: “Lazur of the Future Time”.
Milijan Despotović also published a book of reviews, about the literary work of Verica Tadić „The Rhetoric of Light“.
Verica Tadić, lives in Čačak, Western Serbia.

Verica Tadić, Serbia

Why are we so indifferent?
when people die in war?
Don’t we feel the pain
when helpless children cry,
and the pain of every suffering being?

Let love win
and to the whole planet a symbol of life,
flag of happiness be,
which friendship celebrates!

Let’s turn on all the lights of love.
Let’s embrace with our hearts all those who
they suffer from injustice
and let’s extend our hands
for the meeting of wisdom.

And some noblest energy
travels through thoughts,
and bring peace and happiness to everyone!

Verica Tadić, Srbija

Zašto smo tako ravnodušni
kada ljudi u ratu ginu ?
Zar  ne osećamo bol,
kad bespomoćna  deca plaču, 
i bol svakog bića koje strada?

Neka ljubav pobedi
i celoj planeti simbol života,
zastava sreće bude,
koja prijateljstvo slavi!

Upalimo sva svetla ljubavi.
Srcem zagrlimo sve one  koji
od nepravde  stradaju
i pružimo ruke
za susret mudrosti.

I neka najplemenitija energija
kroz misli putuje,
i svima mir i sreću donese!
