Poems by Sushant Thapa

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Bio of the poet: Sushant Thapa (1993) is a Nepalese poet from Biratnagar, Nepal. He has published three books of poetry entitled “The Poetic Burden and Other Poems,” “Abstraction and Other Poems,” and “Minutes of Merit.” His first two books are available in Amazon. His fourth book of English poems titled “Love’s Cradle” is going to be published by World Inkers Printing and Publishing, New York, USA. Sushant holds an M.A. in English literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

Flowering Love

I am free
Like the blowing breeze
I can be a touch
That gives you memories
Love comes once
And you can build a castle to retire
We will be old together
Wrinkles on our youth
Will not crumple our love
The alphabets of your name
That I call
My bare mind can still recall
A worldly game of existence
Is a true test
Life is a complete poem
Different for readers
Who have lived like words
In chain and togetherness
Words are never alone
They are my lovely companions
Like your senses
Where I am the flowering fragrance.

Picture of Love

The silence in love speaks
The loud cacophony fades
The scenic village is held captive
By traveling beloved’s eyes
That believe in compassion.
Love is an art
And art is the remedy
To not crucify the humanity;
In the black and white world.
Beauty grows like lotus
From the navel of real understanding
And acceptance of another soul.
Beauty needs the affection of the hour
To love the weeping world; 
New colors pray
For raining vividly.
The closer reflection is true.
The heartbeat that asks
For more of you
Demands you to be
Just the way you are.
Love is real
Love adds color to the
Dark and shadowy life.
Memory is an artful picture 
Of love and longing.

Rhyme of Poetry and Love

Poetry is free
It is a life’s tree
It takes you to a writing spree
Love is not measured in degree.

When there is no dare
Good things are rare
Footsteps are there
Journey is to share.

Words free you
The love line that you drew
Becomes a soulful hue
Remove the minds curfew.

I make love lyrically
Love is a world eternally
Your heart is so dearly
Weep not tragically.

Be the dream
May love secretly scream
The cup of love full to its brim
A soothing heart’s cream.
