Poems by Rahim Karim Karimov

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Rahim Karim (Karimov) – Uzbek-Russian-Kyrgyz poet, writer, publicist, translator (b. 1960, Osh, Kyrgyzstan). Graduated from the Moscow Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky (1986, seminar of Yegor Isaev, Vladimir Milkov). Member of the National Union of Writers, the Union of Journalists of the Kyrgyz Republic. Author of more than 60 books of original and translated poetry and prose. Ambassador of Peace, Culture. Doctor of Philosophy, academician. Author of more than 60 books of original and translated poetry and prose. Ambassador of Peace, Culture. Doctor of Philosophy, academician.Winner of many international literary awards. Candidate for the Nobel Prize (2023).


Live, PEACE,
I want to live with you!
Swim in the sea of happiness
together with Humanity.

Oh, how I love you, Universe!
You are my parent, my home!
My Nature, my environment,
Mountains and forests,
Sun and moon!
And clean air!
Which I will never get enough of!

Oh, how I love your clear waters,
Your rays are golden.
Your days and nights
Your sky and stars!!!

Oh how I love you, World,
I cannot express my love in words.

Accept my love in poetry!!!


Greece is a country of legends and myths,
home of ancient gods and goddesses.
Flying on golden chariots,
over the white parthonons.

Greece is a country of monuments, sculptures,
petrified heroes on the facades of snow-white palaces.
In luxurious robes, necklaces, patterns,
armor made of stone.

Greece is a country of beautiful bodies of men and women,
with powerful muscles and silky bodies.
Where the stone curls of children drive a person crazy!
Where on the roofs of white palaces
Three white horses are galloping.

Greece is the country of ancient poets,
musicians, singers with harps in their hands,
who look out into the world from stone statues!

Greece – a monument to the Universe,
placed on white stones!


I have been in poetry for fifty years,
When I first picked up a pen,
At the age of thirteen I began to take my first steps,
as a one-year-old baby does.
Counted every syllable as if every step
poetic lines with your fingers!
This is how my walking continues to this day.
along the path of POETRY
for half a century!
During this time I gradually grew stronger and matured
along with his poems.
Changing the rhymes like on the piano keys.
With the bow of a violin, playing along with the rhythm and melody.
Today I perform my songs in the arena of the Universe,
in front of the peoples of the world, which makes me deeply happy.
Please listen to my songs
I dedicate them to Humanity,
which walks side by side around the world.
And I say to each of them:
“I love you, Life!”
“I love you, dear people!”

