Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Translated by Jyotirmoy Nandy
Chastity schools are guarded by the state
The hidden corridors converge in darkness
Black paws place traps in the sea and the port.
Wrathful monsters dance on the cyclonic waves
The miraculous heavenly knife stealthily
Lunges to shed the rotten life seeds.
The kite of life is tied with the reel of blind faith
Roaming around for twenty-six springs
Death-ticket hangs in the sky of the window.
The blindly rebellious black letters before death
The footsteps of vultures in the world today
Cruel destiny knocks today at the door.
Don’t cry, mom! You’ll lie down inside the hole
In the ground. Remove your eyes, kidneys and heart
Give those on behalf of me to him if needed.
No one knows the marks of the grave!
You too forget your sorrows
It will be blown away by the wind
To be blended with the horizon
An endless lighthouse on the way to the time eternal.
Niloy Rafiq was born in 6 August 1983 Maheshkhali, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Niloy Rafiq has been writing in the literary pages of local daily newspapers since his school days. Later, his poems were published in national and international literary magazines including various famous little magazines. So far, his notable poems have been translated into more than twenty foreign languages. His English poetry book ‘Sun Leaf has already been published under ‘Stockholm Project 2033 Global Leader’ by Amazon.
The number of his poetry books written in Bengali languages is 6 respectively 1. I, the swan float in pure sadness, 2. Thirst’s eterni- ty, 3. Salty man’s face, 4. Unknown fire, 5. Adinath in eyes, 6. Wax prayer bowed in a clay body. His poetry has a magical, edgy feeling. Poet Niloy Rafiq is like a magician in the extraordinary weaving of words and rhythms.
* To be published poetry book named ‘An Incomplete Kiss’.