Poems by Niloy Rafiq

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Bio: Niloy Rafiq
Kalarmarchara, Moheshkhali,
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

The Number of published poetry (Number-7):
1. Bishoddha Bishadey Bhashi Aami Raajhnash (I am the swan floating in the pure air)-2014
2. Pipasar Paramayu (Eternity of thirst)-2016
3. Nona Manusher Mukh (Salty human face)-2017
4. Aggato Agun (Unknown fire)-2019
5. Ankhi Anka Aadinath (Aadinath in eyes)-2021
6. Momer Prarthonay Noto Matir Shorir (Earthen body bended, worshipping candel)-2023
7. Sun Leaf (Rud Pata)-2023

Amalnama by Niloy Rafiq

In the midnight they sleep in winter blankets
The warmth is hot, in the deep cave of dew
The mouth of combine leaps of bird accepting new food
Many a meditative seek the path to the unknown peak.

Flies foam, day lamp?
Old seedbeds are fertile at the end of life
Morning to night, sweat of sleepless labor
The look of knowledge meets naturally touching forehead.

Lighting of birthday lights on Victory Day
The sight line in the aroma of blossoming fragrance
Walk on the firestone and burn the smell of life
But a mirror rooted in the history of discovery.

Translated by Alam Mahbub

Kiss of Heaven by Niloy Rafiq

At the sweat of the penance chariot, the memory of
Dream flowers burn to the house of poetry-word
Playing. Saltwater is the Sarod of arts and birds
Ceremony in Premtala. The assertion is in gold
Script indexed eyes of marches.

Mainak is ready at Jhaukantha to the Nandan
Seeds of silt. Locust alight untimely disrupt the
Sunlight and drought in fragrance cave,
Night is in the possession of ghost
Dance crazy naked weed sticks festival.

The finishing line screams on the horizon
On the cloud bank odorless leaves in the hole
Exposures air in the fire
To the contemplative constellation of stars
Pulling the curtain of the sky a kiss of heaven.

Translated by Alam Mahbub

Crossing Over by Niloy Rafiq

Visibility of the sea mountains head merges with
joy into the water of full bath
Life – expectancy exhibition sink in the evening town
Unspeakably period draws the dreams of dance.

Building bridge of creation guessing in practice
Scent of moonlight and the light of spoor
Santal lives burns in rebellion.
And mark the gambol sign of the future aesthete

Crossing the adorable greening bridge
Come to Sher Pur with brackish laugh from Zhou.

Translated by Alam Mahbub
