Poems by Nguyen Sy Binh from Vietnam

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

His biography: Nguyen Sy Binh was born on December 13, 1963
Hometown: Hanoi, Vietnam
He was born and grew up in Hanoi, currently living and working in Hanoi.
Known as a state official who loves poetry and writes poetry when at the end of 2022 he unexpectedly released his first poetry collection.
The poem collection FOUR SEASONS IN LOVE consists of 103 poems with many topics… The love and nostalgia in his poetry is like anyone else. His words, his means, his thoughts and feelings that are so free, innocent, sincere, rustic like the characteristic he is…
He keeps poetizing, pursuing a writing career and planning to release his second poetry collection in the second half of 2023.

His poems:

The wish

I wish I was the sunshine
Bringing light to all mankind
So that humanity never has to
Living in the gloomy dark

I wish I was the moon
In the middle of the full moon to shine
So that no more twilight nights
Shining your steps in the mist

I wish I was the ocean
Cooling in you every night
Let you not be confused
Lonely, alone in life

I wish I could bring the wind
Blowing into you full of positive energy
Let you don’t have to be weak-headed
In the midst of hardships

I wish so much, that much
Don’t know if I can do it or not
But know well that I’m looking forward to it
For you I will try everything!

The heart skips a beat

Still knowing that I’m not young anymore
To love and date like before
Still knowing that the frivolity time is over
Finding peaceful moments by myself

Thought my heart was asleep
Being content with what I have
But one day, my heart suddenly was windy
You accidentally awaken my heart

Recovering the restless sleep
And dreaming about things far away…
But realizing just bitter outcomes
By doubt with nameless sulk

Because it is not strong enough to give faith
Because it is not enough and because it is not enough
“You suddenly come and suddenly leave, I still know
It is suddenly rain or suddenly sunny for no reason.”

The lyrics are so deep down
In the heart that has just opened
I promise not to hurt myself anymore
Looking for peaceful moments again

Sleepless night

It is late, why I don’t sleep
So that the eyes keep looking at nostalgia
Outside on the porch, the wind keeps reminding
That there’s a storm in the heart

There’s nothing wrong but the awaken eyes
Life is that, just let it be
Tomorrow everything will be nothing
Just sleep, the dawn is coming

Tomorrow the game starts again
No worries, no regrets, no jealousy
There’s nothing but the heart is infatuated
Be strong to experience by the time

This life also has debts and loans
Just loaning, then trying to pay back
Paying per night, per month and forever
Can the debt of love be paid off?

Tomorrow will no longer wait for
No good morning or good night
Only regret and nostalgia remained
Don’t know what to do, let go to sleep poor me!
