Poems by Nguyen Dac Lap to be published in Greece

Από το Βιετνάμ με αγάπη… Είναι μικρός ο κόσμος όταν με λέξεις ταξιδεύεις… Dac Lap σε μετάφραση στην αγγλική γλώσσα από τη μεταφραστρια Kieu Bich Hau

Επιμέλεια Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Nguyen Dac Lap – Vietnamese poet
Brief biography

Hometown: Tan Uoc, Thanh Oai, Hanoi
Now living in Ha Dong District, Hanoi
Member of Vietnam Writers’ Association
Member of Hanoi Writers’ Association

Published literature works

Strange land – Poetry – National Culture Publishing House -1995
Premonition – Poetry – Youth Publishing House -2000
Desert flower – Poetry – Writers’ Association Publishing House -2004
City – Poetry – Writers’ Association Publishing House -2008
Standing cloud – Poetry – Writers’ Association Publishing House – 2011
The Voice of Time – Poetry – Writers’ Association Publishing House -2018

Literary Awards

– Nguyen Trai Art and Literature Prize in Ha Tay Province, 3rd (2001-2005)
– Second prize of Ha Tay poetry contest (2006-2007)
– Medal for the cause of Vietnamese literature and art

Confession: “I write about my experiences in life. Striving to write well, honestly towards the noble humanity”.

His poems:

Flowers on desert

Once the whole desert blossomed
Colorfulness fluttered on the sand
Then five years, ten years, sometimes a whole lifetime
Again flowers blossomed
Seeds of faith
Though the wind and sand buried and time may no longer remember
It is still…

Monument of Nguyen Trai

Day after day, the sun shines from the East
Night after night, the moon shines the world

Standing in the Southern sky
Via the sunshine
Via the rain
Via the two dimensions of fierce time
His heart still caused the sharp pain for the world
“Everything, everywhere are all clear
People’s heart is extremely dangerous”*

* Poem by Nguyen Trai (Nguyen Trai is a great hero of Vietnam)

A monk and a blind toothpicks seller

In midst of a street

The monk in cassava robe

Raised his hands for blessing

The blind man with a bunch of toothpicks and a broom gray hair groped to find the way

Randomly met each other then each one went on his direction Silently

They were looking for something very true

A sound resounded in the midst of their hands….

Sudden poem

The earth is warming up, people’s love is cooling down
Lonely human life

Memories flying away
Suddenly alone in midst of living days.

The old tree falling down to the pillar of time
Smiling white hair

A heavy tree carrying many branches
A hug of that time burdening the tree at present
Some people making misery to others
Because they cannot stand on their own, they have to rely on others

While living but not tolerating each other
When dying with pain in the grave.

The forest is still there but you are a different person
You are the same, how many times falling leaves?

Then knowing, the tree is harder than the sky
The sun is like fire, still smiled, still happy.

Sunshine likes a grumpy old lady
In late afternoon, it’s a little bit sunny

The tree speaks to the earth by buds
The wind speaks to the sky by flying clouds.

There’s no way in the sky
White clouds among white clouds
To the flying direction as the way
One bird wing, one dot
Then merging in midst of clouds at the end of the sky…

The sonata in bus

The city moving noisy
Traffic jam, waiting cars
Suddenly singing voice from the bus speaker
Relief and dear “Moonlight” sonata
Sometimes as slow as moonlight

Sometimes as immense as river to the sea
Passengers suddenly forgot everything
Wandering into the dreamland….
Not knowing where it is
“Moonlight” as wave overflowing again

(*”Moonlight” sonata by Beethoven)

In maternity room after giving birth

Silent! The flowers blooming
Silent! Young shoots sprouting small branches
Be silent, sis please
Be silent, bro please
Baby is sleeping
As good sleeping in the mother belly….

A young father
Downing ear to listen to his baby breath
Besides his wife as a drooping leaf
After the rain…

Be gentle, wind
Be gentle, rain
And cease the storm, sea…

Welcome Christmas angels.

In emergency room

Writhing People…
Trying to anchor in fragile lives
By transferring lines
And serous drops.

Like fires that burned out its climax
Lighting up again
All love sending to their living people…
Last minute on earth

Eyes open, look at the life for the last time
…Suddenly a clear blue sky…