Poems by Masudul Hoq

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Masudul Hoq (1968) was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has a PhD in Aesthetics under Professor Hayat Mamud at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka,Bangladesh. He is a contemporary Bengali poet, short story writer, translator and researcher. His previous published work includes short stories Tamakbari (1999), The poems Dhonimoy Palok (2000), Dhadhashil Chaya which translated version is Shadow of Illusion(2005) and Jonmandher Swapna which translated version is Blind Man’s Dream (2010), translated by Kelly J. Copeland. Masudul Hoq also translated T.S. Eliot’s poem, Four Quartets(2012), Allen Ginsburg’s poem, Howl(2018), from English to Bengali. In the late 1990’s for 3 years he worked under a research fellowship at The Bangla Academy. Bangla Academy has published his two research books. His poems have been published in Chinese, Romanian, Mandarin, Azarbaijanese, Turkish, Nepali and Spanish languages. At present he is a Professor of Philosophy in a government college, Bangladesh.

Inside the mind

We were talking about the blue of the horizon, the green of the paddy field
Even then the sound of the clock was annoying—

There follows a path by the side of the another one
It’s left neglected
That We follow…

We have an outward life
Inside it
Lies hidden another world

A victim of slavery though the body is
The mind is always independent
Neither any rules work there;
Nor any governance functions.

Whenever we feel weary
We go deep into the mind’s world!

If I don’t smell the flowers, I feel helpless
Me and my helplessness
I sit in the flower garden.

Mirror and friendship

Evening comes in the garden. You go home.

I come to the garden to see you
If you don’t come, there is no smell of flowers
I sit in having a bad mood

One day I look deeper into the garden
It’s not a garden – it’s a mirror of your garden

In fact the mirror garden does not smell;
Our relationship is like as ‘mirror’
I know , I love you!.

The Thermometer Of Faith

I wanted some companionship in the daily pages of life

I look for people in the crowd
I have designed a thermometer of faith
While I have made a bridge connecting my words with each other.

Every saying and word of man
composes the dream of God
In the mercury test!

And Satan became God’s adversary,
Leads to apple orchards of disbelief!
