Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
MY SWEET HEART by Kalipada Ghosh
Thou art my Sweet heart
A flaming fire
burning like an incandescent lamp
diffusing aura,aroma and fragrance
like a wild flower wet with
morning dew drops like pearls.
A scintillating light
Your beautiful rosy face
like that of Venus,Helen
and Cleopatra.
A paragon of beauty indeed !
An eternal glow and beauty always
haunts me…
I draw near
She disappears
like an illusive Vision
with an innocent nod.
My love is the fragrance
of rose
The petals of lotus
Always whispering !
Though Time consumes
Love and Beauty
I know ,Time will take me away
Yet I love you in the deep solitude.
In the Galaxy
In the brilliance of Light.
I love thy immortal soul
Your everlasting soul
mingling into mine
to a harmonious whole.
Love is Light
A virtual world to a Paradise.
Copyright reserved@ Kalipada Ghosh WB, India.
LOVE AND PEACE by Kalipada Ghosh
My heart is open to all without borders
People of all countries
Irrespective of caste ,creed and colors.
Humanism is my religion
Love , peace and integrity are my mission and vision.
I think of the little children
The flowers of Nature
They are simple , innocent and delicate
They should be imparted moral and value education with the formal education.
They are the future citizens of the nation.
Love for the humanity should be cultivated from the Childhood.
Love , peace ,unity , fraternity , patriotism and solidarity to be imbibed in the minds and hearts of the youngsters.
The world will be a better place for human habitation.
We must respond to the humanity’s Call.
Love and Peace ‘ll reign the world.
Copyrights reserved @ Kalipada Ghosh, WB. India.
You are the children of God
The divine fragrance and grace mixing in your soul
You are not a mere child
Of contempt and hatred
You are not the insignificant and trifling soul
But divine light and potentialities within you
The light is flickering
The flame of light and divine fire endowed by the supreme God,
Cosmic rays and brilliance.
The flowers blooming
In season and out of season
Birds sing sweet songs
Nature is smiling
God has created the Universe.
We are greatly indebted to Him
We are benefitted with the Nature
Nature is our mother
She nurtures us with water, wind, soil and the Sun rays and moon beams.
The rivers, oceans , mountains, cataracts and forests.
The enormous natural influence …
We are gifted with the benevolence of Nature.
Our life depends on Nature.
Don’t be afraid of adversity,
Sorrows and sufferings.
He is your friend and guide.
Have faith in God and He ‘ll help you in your weal and woe .
You are the sons and daughters of the Supreme Soul , the AMRITA .
There is light and potentiality within you and He will always guide you in the right direction.
All rights reserved@ Kalipada Ghosh WB, India.