Poems by James Tian

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Sincerity In Avalon by James Tian

There’s an old voice called:
‘I have a dream’;
I’m willing to use its beginning,
And my dream is Freedom.
The same pursuit of humanity,
Is being challenged today.
Struggle and sacrifice for ideals,
How much remains of the spirit?

There’s an old city called:‘labyrinthos’,
This’ lost city ‘is now being used,
To trap people’s Conscience.
The exit and center are interconnected,
It’s not hard to get out of here,
But people are reluctant to break free,
From the fate of ‘Temptation’.

I knelt down,
And towards the sun in tears,
Hope to receive the divine mercy.
There’s a feeling that strikes,
Telling us to fight,
In order to rescue more of our ‘Selves’.

Hope that in the next day,
The color of the earth will be fresh,
Full of vitality,
And break the solid “Pyramid” relationship,
Among the crowd.

Hope that when the next dawn arrives,
Cold will no longer be the theme,
So that every heart that wants’ Freedom ‘,
Will no longer be confused by doubt.

Come On, Play A GAME by James Tian

A game called ‘Aphasia’,
It’s that the people with “Privileges”,
To ban the tongues,
Of people who are ordinary.

This game is being played,
In Dictatorship part,
As well as so-called Democratic piece.
And no one cares,
If it insults the dignity of ‘Freedom’ or not,
Oh look,
But everyone is enjoying it.

Millions of rules,
In this game,
But to become the Host,
It’s actually very easy.
With any ways,
To achieve your Power goal,
So then you can go and suppress,
Those you despise or threaten at will,
This is the Happiness.

Freedom is not freedom,
Beauty is no longer beauty.
In a world where hidden rules run rampant,
What’s already dead is not just goodness.
