Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
©Елена Ершова
Я друзей своих не предаю,
А уходят – отпускаю с миром,
Если настоящий в жизни друг,
Он вернётся, позабыв обиды.
Если он не друг, а просто так,
«Прилепился» попросту случайно,
Всё, что нужно было взять – он взял,
То не дружба, а рациональность.
Я таких друзей и не держу,
Я – не солнце – всех не обогрею,
Ну, а те, которым я нужна,
Им для дружбы – суть всего важнее!
Всё бывает в жизни: пропасть, взлёт
И болезнь, и счастье, горе, радость,
Но друзья, которым мы нужны,
Не забудут – даже если старость!
И друзей я преданно люблю,
Оды им свои не посвящаю,
Просто я в душе моих друзей,
Трепетно храню на пьедестале.

Autobiography: Elena Ivanovna Ershova (born in 1963 year), city Nolinsk, Russia – novelist, poet, children writer and poet, aphorist, publicist, composer and author-performer.
Academic of International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (IADLA – New York, USA).
Honorary member and head of Volga-Ural department of Writers Union of North America (WUNA – Monreal, Canada).
Member of International Union of Writers (IUW – Russia).
Member of International Union of Singer-Songwriters (IUSS – Russia).
Vice-chairman of the Public Relations Department and member of Russian Union of Singer-Songwriters (RUSS – Russia).
Head of the authors song club and president of the International Art Song Festival “New Name”, city Nolinsk, Russia.
Awarded medals: “Vladimir Mayakovsky 125”, “Sergei Yesenin 125” for the contribution to the development of Russian culture and art (RUR), “For the achievement in culture and art” (RUSS), “75-th anniversary of the Great Victory”, order “For achievement in culture and art” (WUNA), badge “Academic” International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (IADLA), badge – “Honorary worker of World literature and arts” (WUNA).
Laurete of international and all-russian literary and international competitions. Prizes of Mark Twain, A. G Snitkina-Dostoyevskaya, Duke de Richelieu “Diamond Duke”, L. O. Utyosov, “Poet of the Year”, “Sergei Yesenin”, “My Russia”, “Georges Ribbon”, “Charles Aznavour”, “Bulat Okudzava”, “New Name”, “Greenland”, “Guitar Soul”, “Soul Notes” and other competitions.
Was published 7 authors collections of poems, stories and fairy tales.
Publication in more than 20 almanacs, collections and anthologies in Russia and abroad.
Presently is engaged in creative activity.