Poems by Dr. Zbigniew Roth

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Dr Amb h.c.Zbigniew Roth’s CV – Poznań Poland: He is a writer, composer, poet with 65 years of writing experience, writing from 1957 and celebrating the 54th anniversary of his compositional career, composing since 1968. His pedigree comes from the Wagner family, where the ancestral roots come from his biological grandmother. Since 2007 – a member of the Association of the Polish-American Academy of Poets based in New York, USA, since 2009 – an Honorary Member of the Literary and Dramatic Group. K. Przerwa – Tetmajer in Chicago since 2012 – Honorary Member of the 83 Infrared Circle in Chicago, USA, since 2013 – member of the Polish Association of Authors, Journalists and Translators in Europe A.P.A.J.T.E. based in Paris, France, from September 2014 a member of the Polish Society of Artists, Culture Authors and Animators PTAAAK in Poznań, and from 2016 a member of the SAP Branch in Kołobrzeg. In 2021 – January 2021 – he was awarded the title of Dr. Ambassador of Peace, April 2021 – Doctor of Humanities, June 2021 – Doctor Honoris Causa, October 2021 – Director of the House of Poetry Foundation from London, Poland – December 2021 – IFLAC Director from Israel in Poland! 2022 – February 2022 – Award on the occasion of the Greek Language Day – awarded by the Union of Writers of Spain – April 2022 nomination for the Chairman of the Polish Group at the Latin American Writers’ Union – June 2022 – Karim Karimow Foundation Award – Golden Heart Award for the Poet Zbigniew Roth Poland – June 2 – Nomination to the World Literary Prize of the Rahim Karim Foundation – August 2022 World Prize on the occasion of the Spanish Day commemorating Sir Richard Francis named after Mahatma Gandhi. – September 2022 -receiving a preliminary invitation to the World Poets Rally in Dubai on November 2022.

Dear my heart

the heavens opened above our heads
the sun hung over the cup of the earth
crazy thoughts run across the sky
You chose us humans, even though we don’t know it

where the seed sown sprouts
spring water flows through the rock
there the Polish language caresses our ears
from their phrases words beautiful constantly

the farmer’s chafed hands are very tired
in the furrows of our plowed fields
they give the mother of our beloved crops
for us ordinary people of life dear

I walk tirelessly through the city streets
winding paths to the heights of joy
I touch mother earth with my feet
sowing seeds of love among people

in the stanzas of my words I give
my picture of a heart full of life
You are dear and close to me, Motherland
a country written in gold in my mind

Dr. Zbigniew Roth

What has the Lord given us?

Lord, you gave us a life full of dreams
forests meadows hot sun and beautiful beaches
and we take full advantage of it
though sometimes we see sad faces

Lord, you have put many ways at our disposal
both straight and curved
at the crossroads we sometimes meet Angels
although we are rarely truly alone

absolve me, Creator, of my sins
evil deeds and human weaknesses
may it always be in my heart
kindness to the neighbor full of love

may good always be with us
kindness and help of human hands
the empathic thought of them connects us every day
from birth to the silver temple on the head

Dr. Zbigniew Roth

What do I know about life

I don’t cry because I know that life is not a dream
where everything is waiting for me and I have what I want
where I reforge my dreams
in the golden cornucopia for each new day

torments my heart and my mind
the desire for happiness and full stability
because you can’t just live from day to day
without true, deep and beautiful love

nor can you throw out the window what was
even if there were a lot of painful things
Family is definitely not a weed to be pulled out
growing against our will by our fence

why can’t the sun shine for us
lull the moon to blissful sleep
when the heart wants to truly love
and ordinary bad luck divides us in half

Dr. Zbigniew Roth
