Poems by Dr Jernail S Aanand from India

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού


People used words
Less to love
And more
To fight and camouflage

But in his wisdom
He soon realised
He was going to starve
And die of disuse.

Some words like good
God, love, care,
Had  already started rusting
No takers.

While those in high currency
Were hatred, evil, devil
People liked
To be called demons.

He saw these people wrapped
Everything very carefully
He had seen  some items
Delivered by couriers

So the Wordsmith at last
Came to realise how he could live
On his words.
Use them as wrapping material.

Now, good, God, wisdom,
Love, help, greatness,
All such currentless words
Are used as wrapping material..

And  the poet, is happy
Atleast his words are used as
Packing paper,
And it brings him a square meal.


She was restless and felt really ruffled
When I tried to set her up
And give her
A few digestible touches

I wanted her to be called
A creation off a good production house
And bring credit to her creator
As a man of great culture

I went on playing with her features
I restrained her voice
I also checked her raised nose
And also bent her neck

And from her mind, I removed
Self assurance and pride,
And filled it with straw,
So that it does not feel awkward if insulted.

We teach all such things to our daughters
Who are going to be married,
Not to utter a word
Before the power of the MIL

The poem stood before the mirror.
Looked at her distorted features
I had forgotten to restrict her Revolt
And she did it. Walked out on me.

OF HE AND SHE by Jernail S Aanand

The one who is driving the cycle
Looks back to see
If the lady is still seated
On the carrier

He always loved her
For her looks
And was ready to do anything
For her

She too loved him,
Not because of him,
But because she knew
He could give her a home

While sitting on the carrier
The woman looked sharp
And deep forward
She was the creator of the future

While man was an imaginative fool,
Who loved balloons
For whom woman too
Was a living colourful dream.

Bio: Dr. Jernail Singh Anand is Founder Chairperson of the Ethical Universe: International Academy of Ethics. He is  an Honorary  Member of the Association of Serbian Writers, Belgrade  He is Prof Emeritus in Indian Literature at The European Institute of the Roma Studies and Research Belgrade.  Dr Anand has authored more than 150 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, spirituality and philosophy. He is credited with the theory of Bio-text in critical theory. His work has been translated into more than twenty world languages. Author of 9 epics which are regarded as modern classics, Anand has organized 4 International Literary Conferences, latest of them,  in Chandigarh. He was conferred Cross of Peace  Cross of literature, Franz Kafka Laureateship 2022 and International Aco Karamanov Poetry Award 2022 (Northern Macedonia.. Skopje), to mention a few of them


