Poems by Beatriz Saavedra

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Beatriz Saavedra is a writer, reporter, poet, essayist and academic. She received her doctorate  (2018), is co-director of the Editorial Floricanto, A.C.,  Author of 18 books of poetry, and one book of essay: Anatomía del Erotismo en Griselda Álvarez. She directs the Workshop of Creative Writing “Alicia Reyes”, in the Capilla Alfonsina (INBAL). Director of the Series of Conferences “La poética de la inteligencia” in the Museo de la Mujer (UNAM). Directs the Festival Women Writers of the Aacademy Nacional of History and Geografi, UNAM.

Against the glass – Beatriz Saavedra Gastélum

Do not look now at the multiform shore,
the white cypress that burns in the air
inextinguishable gallery sowing the firmament.

The night dreams of you freely.
I look in the frozen mirror
your way saved by memory,
the hard throbbing in the ear,
in the vast dimension of your spellings.

Something you left in the day and its balance,
on the deepest shore that slammed misfortune.
A sea, a tree, an iceberg,
because it cannot be returned to the word
his first babble.

This black mirror pick up my rotten body,
the incessant fraction from our rough hands.

The country night goes around
the imminence of your skin  barely in silent words
that wrinkle the dust.
That serious slowness of the wind.

Shake the bright dawn of my childhood,
shadow memory in which the night darkens his presence.
That begging on so many flights.

What will I say to god in the naive speech of my cage?
What I wanted was death the silence that sent the other shore.

Sleep under the black light  in nobody’s prayer.
