Poem by Melita Ratković

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

We are one, guided by love

we were not born for war
All beauty disappears in a moment,
when peace disappears.

Joy, love, everything stops.
A shot at another is a shot at us.
no one will find salvation in war.
I pray for peace for all brothers world. I don’t want killing, destroying. What a poet can write in verse,
stop the war, never again to anyone.

We are children of the same God,
love, hate no one. Mother Earth
one is for all of us.I want peace, not  war.

Biography: Melita Ratković, lives in Novi Novi – Serbia. Profession and cultural activity: Literary ambassador of Serbia in Brazil and Spain. Participated in several anthologies, world heritage. Lifetime member of AIAP – ACADEMIA INTERCONTINENTAL de Artistas e Poetas – Brasil
Academia Mundial de Cultura e Literatura AMCL – Brasil
Academia de Música e Literatura Artística – Brasil
Academia Independente Democrática de Escritores e Poetas – Brasil
Academia Biblioteca Mundial de Letras e Poesia – Brasil.
CILA Confraria Internacional de Literatura e Artes
