Hatem Qassem: “The quality of literature remains the main criterion for distinguishing good from bad”

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Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μετάφραση: Taghrid BouMerhi

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When start writing? There is no doubt that literature is closely related to the culture of societies, and knowledge is the main carrier of the future of literature. The likes of Taha Hussein, Naguib Mahfouz, Al-Tayeb Salih, Ghada Al-Samman and others… The quality of literature remains the main criterion for distinguishing good from bad. Literary writing usually begins early with the emergence of talent, and it is very important to reveal the areas of creativity and identify the creative abilities and tendencies of the chil.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? The good the bad who wins at the moment. There is no doubt that there are compliments, especially with the spread of social media, and a good reader is the one who distinguishes the good from the bad… In the end, only true creativity wins. Because it grows in the memory of the recipient.

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? I have two poetry collections:

1- Carnation flower

2- The neighing of clouds

3- And a book Contemporary Critical Studies in Women’s Literature (jointly with Mr. Hussein Hindawi)

4- The Book of Fareed Poems in the Social Content (a joint book with Professor Hussein Al-Hindawi)

The books are available on the Internet and Noor Library, and Dar has offered them for marketing on many websites.

The book. E book or Hardcover book
What will be the future? There is no doubt that printing is a process of documenting the book, but many books sleep on the shelves of libraries with the high price of the book and the high prices of paper and ink and the exorbitant cost of printing. Therefore, writers found in electronic publishing a means that fills the need and at the same time it is a basic document for documentation and a source of knowledge, especially in  The search process, which takes only a few seconds, and everything becomes within your reach. A wide space and a world of knowledge.

A wish for 2022. A phrase from your book. That my loved ones, friends, family, and companions remain in a thousand well-being, and that my country remains in a thousand well-being, happiness, and security ….Optimism remains a ray of light if the earth is narrowed with wishes …And I said at that

The days narrowed you down one day

And the load of eternity made you suffocate

Be like a bird singing in the sky

If the land narrowed down and narrowed

The rose dies thirsty next to the water

And he does not yearn for some water

Like a match if you regret it

The good smells if it melts burning

Curriculum Vitae

Hatem Qassem

– A Palestinian poet, critic, storyteller and journalist from the village of Al-Qudiriya / Safed, born in 1965 in the village of Duqa (the occupied Golan).

– Member of the Palestinian Writers and Journalists Union

– Member of the Short Story Writers Association

– Member of the Union of Arab Internet Writers

– Member of the Arab Poets Association

– Graduated from Damascus University – Faculty of Economics, majoring in accounting

Editor-in-Chief of al odabbaa Magazine

He worked as an accountant and then as a department head in the Al-Hoboub Foundation. He continued his cultural activities in the city of Daraa, Damascus and Quneitra at the level of cultural centers. Many of his poems were composed by the Palestinian Al-Shorouk band and also by the Workers Union band, and they were shown on the small screen.

He published many of his poems in Arab newspapers (Literary Week – Echo of the South – Arab Ambassador – Cultural Golan – Cyrene – Lanterns – Al Bayariq – and many Palestinian newspapers).

And on web sites.

Among his most important publications:

Poetry collection entitled: Carnation Flower

A collection of poetry entitled: The neighing of clouds

He has joint books with Professor Hussein Al-Hindawi

– The pioneers of poems in the social content

– Critical Studies in Contemporary Feminist Literature

And his work in the field of the short story (birds of the revolution)

A collection of poetry titled zahret Alkronful

