Hasan Nashid of Bangladesh received an honorary doctorate from Moldova

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Hasan Nashid was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the World Academy of Modern Literature, Republic of Moldova, yesterday for his outstanding contribution to international literature.

“This ‘Doctor of Literature’ by the Republic of Moldova is a rare honor for Bangladesh, especially Sherpur.”

World Academy of Modern Literature President Academician Dr. Valentina Morosanu confirmed the conferment of honorary doctorate degrees yesterday.
When Hassan Nashid was asked about this, he said with emotion:
“It will strengthen my determination to work in the education, literature, and culture of my country. Indeed, it is a gift from Almighty Allah that I will cherish forever.”
“We are proud to confer the prestigious honorary doctorate degree ‘Doctor of Literature 2024’ on Bangladeshi poet and researcher Hasan Nashid for his outstanding contribution to international literature,” said Dr. Valentina Morosanu. 
