Faina Nazarova: “People should return to the world classics, to its originality and beauty”

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Μετάφραση: Alexander Kabishev

Bio: Born on September 15, 1968. After graduating from high school in 1983, she entered a pedagogical school. Since 1987, she began working as an educator. I have given 34 years to this profession. In 2021, she went on a well-deserved rest. In 2022, she published 2 of her collections: “The Path to the Soul …” and “The Road to Happiness”.

What inspired you to write? To whom or what were the first works dedicated? What inspires me to write poetry? There was a picture of a deer hanging in our house, and my sister and I decided to arrange a competition to see who would write a poem on it better. Mom evaluated the work. I won the family competition. Later they were published in the local newspaper. Much later, poems appeared about his native land, the first teacher, his hometown. It’s a pity we couldn’t save them. Childhood, the time of carelessness, and poems, alas, just got lost.

Do you have a favorite author? Why him/her? I really like the work of Eduard Asadov. There is a lot of meaning in his poems, each poem is a separate story. I really like the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva for her melodiousness, sensuality. The musicians wrote music and the poems became beautiful romances and songs.

What collections have you participated in over the past few years? What were these books and what do they mean to you? Over the past 2 years, I have published 3 collections: “The Path to the soul,” “The Road to Happiness,” “The Call of the Heart.” As well as collective collections: “Gilding” and “I want to say”. In them I wanted to show the beauty of my native nature, the tenderness of love. My collection of poems “Inspiration” is coming out soon. This collection contains poems not only poems for adults, but also for children. I tried to make poems on a children’s theme easy, so that they were interesting to the youngest readers.

Have you translated poems by other authors into Russian? What were these poems and how did you remember them? I have started translating poems by other authors only now. Thanks to the SME, I took part in the Russian-Serbian collection. These poems are remembered for their patriotism, spirituality, and desire to make the world a better place. When you do translations, another world opens up before you, another history and culture. I want to understand and feel what other poets have written.

In your opinion, what are the similarities and differences in the poetry of different peoples? The similarity in poetry is great. All poets love their homeland, cherish family values, try to convey the culture of their country to other readers. There is not much difference, because, as I have already written, all poets are united by one thing, the desire to make and show the culture of their native country.

What is the peculiarity of St. Petersburg culture and literature and how does it affect you? St. Petersburg culture for me is a kind of style of sublime poetry and prose. This city impresses with its beauty, austerity and subtle tenderness. All this is reflected in the works of poets and writers. Petersburg, a city – history from ancient times to the present day. In all ages, poets have composed their poems about this wonderful city. “I love you, Peter the Creation….” Is it possible not to love him, not to think about him, not to write about these people, the divorced bridges, the Hermitage and the Peter and Paul Fortress?

What can you say about the modern creative youth of St. Petersburg? Young people strive to develop their creativity, use various scientific technologies, strive for perfection, hone their skills. Previously, the poet needed paper and a pen, and of course inspiration. Now, in the age of technology, you can show the world to different people, make your work known in many countries and cities around the world.

How do you see the future of your creativity and world literature in general? In the future, I want to collaborate with poets from other countries, to learn more about their culture. People should return to the world classics, to its originality and beauty. I want to take part in contests and festivals more often, learn how to convey my thoughts to the reader correctly, more subtly and competently.

What would you like to wish your readers and fellow writers/poets in the coming year 2023? What would you like to wish? Create, do not be afraid to dream, think, embody your ideas in works that are so necessary for people. You need to believe in your strength and strive for improvement.
