Μια Ιταλική Νότα… στην Ελλάδα
Chiarelli is a Charter Members of Immagine & Poesia, the art literary Movement founded in Torino (Italy) in 2007 with Aeronwy Thomas. Coordinator of the #DylanDay in Italy.
She has become an award-winning poet since 2011. In 2019 she was awarded the First Prize Cinque Terre Golfo dei Poeti and the First Prize Besio Poesia 1860, Savona. Awarded with the Literary Arts Medal (NY) 2020. Sahitto International Grand Jury Award 2021. Zheng Xin International Poetry Award, China 2021. Six nominations for the Pushcart Prize (USA).

Her writing has been translated into different languages and published in Poetry Magazines, and on web-sites in several countries.
She is also an appreciated installation artist and collagist.
https://lidiachiarelli.jimdofree.com/ https://lidiachiarelliart.jimdofree.com/

Lidia Chiarelli’ submission
Times Square
Switch on
switch on once more
lights at Times Square.
Switch on for me
in my last night in New York.
The hot air in the streets is a gentle cloak
that wraps me up.
Like windmills moving and moving
don’t stop your dance.
Let my eyes get lost
into your
so sweet
so intoxicating.
Lidia Chiarelli – Italy

Point Lobos, morning
“There is nothing of the sea left but its sound”
“Ballad of the long legged bait” Dylan Thomas
The heavy traffic of Highway One
is behind us.
In the silence of summer
the mists of the morning
surround the dark rocks
and tide slowly caresses sand.
Little silver gleams
on the turquoise Pacific
send messages of light
as the trail along the coast
leads to secret coves
where saltiness pervades the air.
A sudden flight of cormorants
draws new geometries in the sky
and we stand and listen to
the relentless pulse of the sea.
Lidia Chiarelli – Italy

Grand Canyon – Sky Walk
You too have seen the sun a bird of fire
stepping on clouds across the golden sky …
“Youth calls to age” Dylan Thomas
Unreal walk,
we step forward
suspended over the abyss
the Colorado river
winding like a lazy snake,
below us.
In the distance
Hualapai huts
in the red earth
tell the story
of a proud people
Ravens in flight
suddenly appear
under a burning sun
as the desert wind
that rises from the canyon
wraps us in its warm embrace
Lidia Chiarelli – Italy

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water
yet nothing can resist it.
Lao Tzu ( born 604 BC )
We advance on the river
the boat rocks on the seething waters
and it is like hearing
the waves’ breath.
A gentle rain caresses us
the roar – strong and stronger –
is music from ancient times.
Enshrouded by a soft mist
we shiver in front of the abyss
(our glance
the frenzied whirlpool)
and slowly we merge into the
fathomless whiteness
of Niagara falls.
Lidia Chiarelli – Italy