Σας παρουσιάζουμε τον poet Zbigniew Roth
Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Share your thoughts on the future of literature. When did you start writing? The future of literature depends on many factors, such as the technology of life, bringing rhythmic humanization to the life of many societies, through the use of means of expression, including language in colloquial speech, public speech or the so-called literary language in editing various works. I am concerned that in the life of many nations the beauty of the mother tongue is disappearing, pushed out by the flood of the so-called a country that has conquered a successful community is imposed. Another of my observations on my 65-year artistic path is the phenomenon of the emergence of new language forms, which are mental shortcuts, and not the beautiful mother tongue, the respect and form of which was determined by national bards, e.g. my homeland in the poetry and prose of Adam Mickiewicz, Julisz Słowacki, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Zygmunt Krasiński, Aleksander Fredro and many similar artists. Colloquially speaking, word formation causes distortions of linguistic communication in interpersonal contacts and introduces chaos to literary works caused by those who, striving for the peak of fame, do not care about any patterns. What counts for them is originality, otherness and incomprehension, enlarging literary works with sometimes primitive devices, disturbing the possibility of correct interpretation of their works. An example of the so-called weed in the language of every nation are all linguistic forms and mental abbreviations expressed, for example, popular ok. Of course, this abbreviation should be used when traveling to a foreign country, where it serves as a simple communicator. On the other hand, in a native language, such as Polish, there should be one equally easy-to-use word, e.g. the reverse KO, more precisely KO. In each translation, OK has only one expressive and limited meaning in communication, which is that it is good. On the other hand, in my language KO can be interpreted in different ways in an ambiguous simplified form of expressing one’s thoughts. Examples: you are KO for me – that is, you are a competent person, I don’t know if you know that you are KO for me, that is, you are loved to me, should I adjust my expenses KO means today that I have to make necessary adjustments in my expenses, etc.!! My thoughts are the result of many years of experience as an author, poet, composer, where, for example, in music (song) the most important thing is the text. Despite all my respect for the creators of the music in the song, the music is a kind of background or frame for the image of content and message expressed in words.

When did you start writing? The beginning of my literary path were the first attempts to compose poems in 1957, in the year of starting primary school, because earlier under the supervision of my parents I had acquired the ability to read and write. My adventure with fiction is writing short poems and phrases, written mainly at the request of my Polish language teacher on the occasion of school celebrations and concerts. My first musical compositions were created in 1968 at the age of 19 and from the beginning it was my great love. However, I did not have the opportunity to develop physically in this area of creative life, partly due to the lack of partners. However, even in this field, I still have noticeable individual and team successes. Among others, two Children’s Vocal Ensembles, led and founded by me, based on my compositions of children’s songs, won in Poznań for 8 years of their existence, 4x Voivodship Review in Poznań of Children’s Vocal Ensembles and performed 4x at Children’s Song Festivals in Sopot and Konin in Poland. in Sopot and Konin and won Silver Applause. I am also a composer and author of such a specific form as Hymns for Kindergartens, Primary Schools, Social Organizations, Unions, Associations and Sports Clubs, such as my favorite Football Club LechPoznań, which is the current Polish Champion. I am also the author and composer of Hymns, e.g. for the Junior High School in Mickuny, Lithuania. At the age of 70, I performed at the mocArt Festival in Katowice, where I won a distinction with the title of Mega Talent in the Vocal Competition. I am currently looking for a partner to record and stage perform my vocal compositions. I write for people of all ages, from children to the elderly. In 2013, in cooperation with a Latvian composer, we composed two pieces, one of which took second place at the Jazz Song Festival in Warsaw, and the other, composed by the same composer, became the official Anthem of the Festival. Warsaw.
I invite interested people to cooperation in the broad sense, who do not have the possibility to independently record and publish my musical works.
For good and for bad. Who’s winning these days? The first part of question #2 in its first part reads like a marriage vow: “for better and for worse.” This quote answers the second part of the question. If I am to live in Peace and achieve satisfaction from my achievements, we must be unity and brotherhood for all circumstances of our earthly existence. However, currently more pain and tears in this vale than joy and community in building the lives of future generations, our children and grandchildren. The brutal war in Ukraine is the best picture full of drama and humiliation of people who want to build Brotherhood, Freedom and Unity between the nations of the world. Many of us artists, writers, musicians have become involved in the defense of World Peace in the rank of World Global Peace Ambassadors. Our mission is fulfilled in a peaceful way by publishing many topics related to our common existence, care for human dignity, in particular the elderly and the sick, and care for the surrounding environment, combined with calling for peaceful resolution of human disputes, including international ones, with the help of our works. Personally, this form of creative work is close to me, which inspired me to found the Association of Artists and Writers of the World SAPS, which is online, non-profit, non-denominational and non-political. Unfortunately, there is still too much room in this world for brutality and aggression, slavery and the suppression of human rights. At the same time, the threat of nuclear self-destruction hangs over our world.

How many books have you written and where can we find your books?
Μy books: Dr.Amb.H.C.Zbigniew Roth zam.Poznań-Poland 1, 1948Tomikii Anthologies published with poems by this authorWorking: Books/title, publisher, year of publication a/collective volume entitled PoznańskieDachy – publisher of RSTK Poznań 1986 b/tompt. “Time will heal us” Wydawnictwo Polonijne DSP Chicago USA 2009 c/tompt. Poems Written with Heart – Wyd. Polonia DSP Chicago USA 2009 d/tompt. Through the Threshold of Hope – Ed. Polonia DSP Chicago USA 2010 e/tompt. I Trusted You, Lord, special edition of DSP Chicago USA 2011 f/book of poetry entitled WFM Warsaw Poland 2013 g/Anthologypt. Chainschained Dreams-Ed. Academy of Polish-American Poets 2013, h/book Your Internet Portal Wydawnictwo DSP Chicago USA 2014 i/Anthology of Polish Poetry published in English entitled Not too late – Wydawnictwo DSP Chicago 2015. j/Upojne Moments – publishing house Poznań – publishing house 2016 k/Anthology – Portal Peron Literacki – publishing house KryWaj – Koszalin 2016, L/ IX International Anthology of the Association of Polish Authors – pt. Wild Garden – the aftermath of the World Rally of Polish Pedigree Poets, Vilnius Lithuania 2016 – m/publisher Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Sandomierz n/Anthology of poems about mother Fri. Before she wiped off the last drop of sweat – publisher: Ryszard Mierzejewski Pieszyce 2016 o/ Anthology entitled. For a sharp moment – Wydawnictwo DSP, p/Dziki Ogrod – II International Anthology of the Polish Writers’ Association Warsaw 2016, r/Anthology of Poetry Portals “Literary Platform – Selected Poetry, 2016, s/KołobrzeskiePoetic Inspirations Society of Polish Authors – Meetings for the sunset,
t/ 2017 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Literacko-Muzyczna, a volume of poetry entitled 2018 Literary Platform Anthology of two volumes – Wędrówka through life – collective work Wydawnictwa KryWaj Koszalin Polska, u/2019e-books with poetry by Zbigniew Roth in Polish 10 titles with poetry and songs for children and adults Private edition with the work of Zbigniew Rothaw/ 2020 SAPS Polska Anthology – collective work edited by Jasny Gugić Croatia and Zlatan Demirovića USA in Englishx/ 2021 Poetry without borders – a volume of poetry published by Jyotirmay ThakuEngland and Zbigniew Roth Poland in English/2021 My life is poetry – a book of poetry by Rahim Karim Karimov USA from the series With poetry on continents – Polish-English editionz/ 2021 A volume of Poetry by two authors Jernail S Anand India and Zbigniew Roth Polska in two Polish-Spanish languages / 2022 An anthology in Polish entitled A song of silence – authorsZbigniew Roth Polska and Jasna Gugic CroatiaAttention!!!: New November 2022 two volumes of poetry and songs for children entitled Ma Kotek Four Paws and the Fairytale World of Poetry and Song – sponsored edition Note: All volumes and Anthologies are available in mail order bookstores, including on Amazon Book.

E-book or hardcover book. What will be the future? The future of paper books seems to be in jeopardy in the era of digitization and ubiquitous electronics. Perhaps a book published exclusively in a beautiful hard cover will defend itself, but perhaps e-books and new forms of electronic publication, still absent from common use, will prevail.
However, the paper edition has a chance to survive, because in such an edition, touching the pages with poetry, a man discovers the world around him anew!!!
A wish for 2023. I wish all people around the world, may their Star of prosperity shine with bright light and happiness, and may love not only be in poetry, but in life, may it be close to everyone with respect and sympathy for this New coming 2023, empathy your loved ones will be with you throughout the year
Zbigniew A phrase from your book:
Poetic Triptych:
1. He who has a heart in his chest has a man in his heart and is aware that someone is waiting for him
2. Will power, the power of the soul
every evil man will repent,
to cordial clean hands
give to someone who is “drowning” today
3. Life is beautiful and full of hope
let’s just have a heart for each other
they had every day.
Thank you very much..
Dr. Amb. h.c.Zbigniew Roth
Poznań Poland Anno Domini 2022

Biography: Zbigniew Roth
He is an author, composer, poet with 65 years of writing experience, he has been writing since 1957 and celebrating his 54th anniversary as a composer, he has been composing since 1968. Since 2007 – member of the Polish-American Poets Academy Association based in New York, USA, since 2009 – Honorary Member of the Literary and Dramatic Group. K. Przerwa – Tetmajer in Chicago since 2012 – Honorary Member of the 83rd Infrared Circle in Chicago, USA, since 2013 – member of the Polish Association of Authors, Journalists and Translators in Europe A.P.A.J.T.E. based in Paris, France, since September 2014 a member of the Polish Society of Artists, Authors and Animators of Culture PTAAAK in Poznań, and since 2016 a member of the SAP Branch in Kołobrzeg.
Since 2020, he has been the Corresponding Critic in the field of Poetry and Song, Polish-Italian TV news.
– October 2020 – President and founder of the Association of Artists and Writers of the World SASP (on-line and non-profit) Poland, International Ambassador of World Peace Forum
– Achievements and awards for 2021
– January 2021 Literature and World Peace Ambassador of the World Organization for Peace France and Switzerland.
– February 2021 is nominated as the International Coordinator of the Panorama Festival 2021 in Poland.
– April 2021 receives the High degree of Dr. Humanities and Peace
– June 2021 received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, awarded to outstanding figures from the life of culture, science and politics
– July 2021 becomes a member of the Association of Authors and Composers ZAiKS Polska in the composition section
– OCTOBER 2021 – CONTAINS ALLIANCE with IFCH Morocco represented by IFCH President Dr.Aziz Mountassir Morocco
– October 2021 – receives a nomination for the Director of the Poet’s House Foundation from London in Poland
– October 2021 – receives the Golden Creativity Award for 2021
– November 2021 – IFLAC is appointed Peace Ambassador and IFLAC Director for Poland
– Achievements and awards for 2022
– January 2022 – Agreement of cooperation for all nations to Thousand Minds for Mexico International under the name DINAMAC S de RL de CV. represented by the President and Founder for Life Dr.Arq. Jeanette Esmeralda Tiburcio Mexico
– January 2022 – IFCH certificate of the International Peace Ambassador
– February 2022 – Greek Language Day Award – awarded by the Writers’ Union of Spain
– April 2022 nomination for the Chairman of the Polish Group at the Latin American Writers’ Union
– June 2022 – Karim Karimov Award Foundation – Golden Heart Award for Poet Zbigniew Roth Poland –
– June 2022 – Nomination for the World Literary Award of the Rahim Karim Foundation –
– August 2022 – World Prize for the Spanish Day commemorating Sir Richard Francis named after Mahatma Gandhi.
– September 2022 – receives a pre-invitation to the Dubai World Poets Summit in November 2022
– November 2022. received the Award of the 2nd Edition of the International Peace Prize. Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Chuecas. For high contributions to Humanity for Peace, Global Alliance of Thousand Minds for International Mexico. Awarded by the Union Hispanomundial de Recritors, World Academy of Literature, History, Arts and Culture, Lateran Academy, Ibero-American Society of Historians in Mexico.
– November 2022 Invitation to the World Poetry Conference in India November 6-7, 2022