Rozalia Aleksandrova: “No one is more powerful than God! The creator of this and all worlds. Now and forever”

Συνεντεύξεις με ξένους λογοτέχνες. Σας παρουσιάζουμε τη Rozalia Aleksandrova from Bulgaria

Επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Please share your thoughts about the future of literature. When u start writing? Literature is that amazing area of human life on Earth that sends us quickly and easily into a world – different from the real one. It is an opportunity for man, without overcoming the space-time continuum, to move you to any point of being – on Earth and in Space. Today, before and in the future. That is why some call literature a magical reality. But its greatest magic (according to the latest studies of quantum physics!) lies not in the possibility of a person breaking away from the harsh reality, but in the vast possibilities – to create a new reality. Because what the Poet or writer writes becomes REALITY not only for his kind and people, but also for all humanity. Therefore, the RESPONSIBILITY for the written word rests with its author. But it is “paid” by everyone on Earth. Dear colleagues, write only for the Good! It is only worthwhile as a life and creative position. I’ve been writing since I was 4 years old. At least that’s what my aunt claims, the first listener of my poems. I am posting after the age of 40.

The Good and the Bad. Who is winning in nowadays? Many prominent spiritual people from Bulgaria warned our people about today’s times – difficult years are coming. And everyone who carries God in his heart knows and understands the message correctly. The good – this is the love of the Creator God for all of us and Everything. It is vast and inexplicable like everything that connects us to Our Original Source. At the same time, Good is recognizable to people. Because they have the senses to “see” it through their heart and Soul. They say evil is unconscious good. Which opposes the Good to take its example. And to change. We call evil anti-human. And it’s true. Man’s essence is from God and is originally good. There is no way evil can win. Regardless of whether these are insidious forces or outright anti-divine manifestations. No one is more powerful than God! The creator of this and all worlds. Now and forever!

How many books have you written? And where can we find your books? I’m the author of 11 poetry books: “The Home of My Soul” (2000), “Luminous Body” (2003), “The Secret of the Road” (2005), “Eyes of the Wind” (2007), “The Parable of the Key” (2008 ), “Conversation between Pigeons”(2010), “Sacred” (2013), , “The Real Life of Feelings”(2015), “Pomegranate from an Alien” (2016), “Brushy” (2017), “Everything I did not say” (2019) and “Selected poems” – Polish translation (2014, 2015)

Some of books can be purchased in the electronic bookstore on Facebook: книги.ею

I am the author of many popular essays on man, science, poetry and the methodology of the new paradigm, some of which were published in my book “Opening the door to meaning or reflections of information science” (Plovdiv, 2015).

The book. E book or Hardcover book? What will be the future? People didn’t always write on paper. But those significant literary peaks, which paved the way for the Good and the new, have been preserved forever. And it is not the carrier of the information that is important, but the information itself, which carries the primordial human and Divine messages of Good. Everything created by man under the sign of Love, Harmony, Beauty and Truth will reside in the eternal gardens of human genius.

A wish for 2022. A phrase from your book. LET’S OPEN THE DOOR OF TRUTHS!

Bio: Rozalia Aleksandrova lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She was born in the magical Rhodope Mountains, cradle of Orpheus. Author of 11 poetry books. Editor and compiler of over 30 literary almanacs, collections and anthologies President of International Poetry Festival SPIRITUALITY WITHOUT BORDERS from 2015 and President of UHE and MMMEX for Bulgaria. She was awarded by prestigious CESAR VALLEJO Prize for Literature – 2022, MAHATMA GANDHI  International leadership Award 2022,  2nd Annual ZHENGXIN International Poet Award, 2022.