Poems by Ramendra Kumar

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) is an award-winning writer, Performance Storyteller, and Motivational Speaker with 49 books. His writings have been translated into 31 languages and included in several textbooks and anthologies in various countries. He was invited to international literary festivals held in Greece, Denmark, UAE, Sri Lanka as well as major Indian events.
Ramen an Engineer & an MBA was General Manager (Corporate Communications). He is now a Cancer Warrior and an inspiration to many.

(Domestic Violence)

Confined spaces, cramped lives
Festering minds, angst ridden hearts
Splintered hopes…..
The enemy within, lashing out.
The victims –
The other half of
‘Till death do us part’ pledge
Or Partners in love and/or lust.

The ‘no-where’ persons.
Their every journey 
On the highway of pain
Only a dead-end in sight.

With the world fighting the
The Monster pandemic
Who has the time or inclination
To fight its mere Shadow?

The Shadow was always there
Possibly its silhouette less defined.
In houses, in homes
In chawls, in villas,
In slums, in mansions
In villages, in cities –
The Silent Pandemic
Etching its indelible presence
On bodies, souls and psyches….


As I lay,  down and almost out
In the isolation ICU,
My senses  totally smothered
And my entire body almost blue.

The doctors had given up
Having tried their best,
But too you I was life itself
Not an itinerant guest.

Before we had  lived our dreams
How could you let me  go?
I was your forever bestie
In every high and low.

You gave me your strength
You virtually took on  death,
With the  weapon of your faith
You battled for my every breath.

You fought many a battle
Won for me many a war,
Nursing  my every wound
And healing my every scar.

Now as I march steadfast 
On the path of recovery
With you, my ‘Rock’ing angel
The epitome of bravery.

I thank the Lord above
For making you mine
And giving you the courage
That is truly sublime.

When I look around and see
Lives  which are in a tangle,
I know my Life is  safe
With you my ‘Rock’ing Angel.

(A tribute to my wife Madhavi, who helped me battle cancer!)


The dew drops
In your eyes
My elixir
Of life
Shackled, crippled
I am limping
On the road
To nowhere…
Like a desert
Searching for
An oasis.

My yearning-
A stifled cry
In the wilderness
Of my dreams.

My love-
An unfinished poem
Reaching out
For culmination.

Without you
My life
An abbreviated query
Groping for
An answer…..
