Poems by Dr. Venkat Kumaresan

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Dr. Venkat Kumaresan, is a best-selling author of ’Father of Your Team’, Workplace Challenges Guru, humorist, motivational speaker, story teller, coach and poet. Awarded in ‘India Top 100 Authors’ category for 2022, his book was ranked #1 Amazon US New Release. Venkat has written over 50 poems with some of them featuring in popular anthologies. His articles have been published in International magazines.



When he asked me for a help
I took every possible step,
tapping my network and expertise,
offering more and beyond my means.

Though a little effort could suffice,
my biggest priorities, I did sacrifice.
For his relationship that I overvalued,
forever has to be continued. 

If he didn’t say thanks, did he not have time or the mind?
Or I couldn’t fathom if it was both combined?
Little that I know that he took me for granted
and claimed that he achieved everything single-handed !

Yet when he asked again, I wished to redo that favor.
He overlooked the fact that he was a requestor
and  presumed that it was a right he claimed.
When I needed more time this time, he suspected and blamed

I bent over backwards to clarify.
Opening up my heart could not mollify.
He knew that the first-mover advantage goes to he who complains
and not for those who believe in natural justice and abstain.

Days rolled by, he went out of touch
Didn’t he need me now as much?
At present, was he full of regret
or moved on to find someone else to fret?

The more I thought , the weaker I became
and realized it wasn’t a fair game
Should I share what I went through with more people ?
To make my mind lighter, should they feel painful?

Later, I reconciled that I shouldn’t feel guilty
or build on animosity for a gesture of generosity
I no longer saw me as a tissue paper to use and throw
That experience evolved into a page to learn and grow.

Dr. Venkat Kumaresan,
– Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Workplace Challenges Guru
– Author of `Father Of Your Team`,  Amazon US #1 New Release in `Office Management`
– www.authorvenkat.com


While quest for a real friend could take many years ,
a friend request shows up on FB account of yours.
You comprehend it landed from a locked profile
and clueless if accepting is worthwhile!

To get more likes you’ve got to add friends.
Whether they intend or pretend, on them you’ve to depend.
Hoping for higher likes, you post something meaningful.
After a few hours pass by, the response turns out awful.

You dig into the names of those who liked the post,
and assume that it reveals who loves you the most.
What about those who didn’t click on like?
You begin to wonder and analyze their psych.

Was he too busy? Didn’t she value?
Or do they hold a divergent purview?
Why couldn’t they spend a second to comment?
The inner chatter starts to resent and lament.

After a few hours, you re-enter this loop
and put yourself again into the same soup,
that every opinion needs an acknowledgment from someone
and your ego desires to be spoken about or gets broken.

You imagine the new T-shirt you wore ,
doesn’t make you feel good any more.
The impression it creates with those who don’t matter,
drives you to rethink if your choice was better. 

When you achieved something great, 
and in FB, not many took note of late,
should someone else’s judgment
undermine your achievement?

If inventors , freedom fighters and service heroes
were much bothered about all other fellows
and anxious about getting ignored or trolled
would they have made a difference to this world?

How many like or dislike is okay for a product survey.
Will your life make headway if you outweigh every hearsay?
Someone’s view on your social media will never shape your future
Remember, you weren’t born to make Zuckerburg or Musk richer!

Dr. Venkat Kumaresan,
– Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Workplace Challenges Guru
– Author of `Father Of Your Team`,  Amazon US #1 New Release in `Office Management`
– www.authorvenkat.com


They transmit disease wherever they go
and infect the air high and low.
Who could they be? Think for a moment.
No! They aren’t a new Corona variant.

Seen in groups outside every campus,
these homicide contractors live amongst us.
Roaming about with a paper-wrapped roll,
Eight million a year is their death toll!

While birthday event starts with blowing a candle,
they invite their end with each cigarette end they kindle
While vigor they regain with the nicotine it contains,
they fail to realize that it constricts their veins. 

For pumping blood to organs, oxygen is need of your heart.
Carbon monoxide from tobacco, this circulation is fraught.
With protective cells lining the lungs destroyed,
respiratory ailments, how can they avoid?

Indeed, cigarette has a filter and not every smoker dies early.
Why not apply sense to filter logic with a motive clearly?
For a few, burning every cigarette, burns a hole in their pocket.
Are we happier to live life without knowing what’s on the docket?

If ready for a life full of risk, serve the military
and save your country.
Why inflict your own people by chocking
and passive smoking?

Smoking a famous brand doesn’t make you popular.
For the price of a day’s cigarette why not feed someone poorer?
I challenge – their smile and gratitude will give you a high.
You can’t match that with any brand you try.

Dr. Venkat Kumaresan,
– Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Workplace Challenges Guru
– Author of `Father Of Your Team`,  Amazon US #1 New Release in `Office Management`
– www.authorvenkat.com
