New book release: “Do you know that girl?” by Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio 

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Published by On time books UK – On time books Latino LTD


Smiling is easy, building a sincere smile after a childhood of physical and emotional abuse is not so easy, after an adolescence of challenges of love and heartbreak of self-demand and control, i invite you to discover how this girl managed to paint a real smile on her face, which has spread to those around her. Do you know, who is that girl?

We need a generation of  young people who transform and disrupt, disruptive young people like our girl Sophie, who against the wind is capable of fighting for happiness as a group, with her high ideals champions despite everything, thanks to recognizing their human adolescence and the great capacity that can be developed with an emotional intelligence spat out with blows.

Jeanette E. Tiburcio Márquez (Jean Eureka).

She is a Mexican Dreamer, generator of action and movement in favor of youth the mexican pandora´s box Jean Eureka! who has 30 years of experience working with young people and adolescents from the training field of mathematics didactics, the work generating collaborative projects and the creation of platforms for children and young people to develop their full potential.

With a legitimate interest in youth, Eureka! as many call her, after working with more than 6,000 adolescents and young people around the world, she decides to write this story of a girl with superior intelligence, who manages to sculpt her emotional quotient on each page, after a childhood of abuse and a path of challenges, let´s observe together how nothing has managed to destroy her unbreakable spirit.