Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
A Battle of the Waiting Woman
She’s been waiting for ages
Was lost in dreams
Endlessly waiting
bored one night
brought down the sky
and she stopped the
rotating Earth.
God appeared
asked that woman
What did you do?
Her answer was –
why not the Sun brings the rays of hope for all ?
in women’s account
Why only the woman is destined to have the night of separation…?
On every child’s face
why doesn’t the smile
beams ?
Why is the womb of the Earth is barren ?
She asked God again –
why didn’t you impart divine qualities to men ?
You have the qualities of divinity
Why do they become demons?
Why is humanity dying?
God answered her –
listen woman
i have to create the nature again.
I would have to create a new man
Having said this, he returned.
Since then the woman has been waiting,
Every night, in the dark night, she still has been groping for the bundle of hopes,
looking for that ultimate man
So that, with the help of that man, she could
create a new world
for a new humanity.
she is still waiting
Every morning and every night.
she is preparing herself
for a new battle.
Madhumalati’s message
We are two echoing faces now
Express love and trust
that there is someone who
even in this silence
Let me tell you
In this age of communication gap
by echoes,Humanity
will survive and
love between them
Through Madhumalati’s flowers
You can disseminate
the message that
how you can make this world beautiful by reducing your needs and demands
How we can share the harmony with this world , even swinging on enemy’s wall
and how we may keep blooming
staying under the scorching sun.
White, yellow and pink
borrowing from Madhumalati
you can spread fragrance in those
where the sharp smell of gunpowder is filled in the surroundingd
due to hatred and violence.
From your face if you want
can remove palms
Because –
I am an ashamed man of this shameless era
I have moved on, to save love
I also need a Madhumalati.
You Become A River
you like a river
ebb and flow
with full gusto,
take away all sorrows
to the blue sea of your mind
And drown there forever.
You walk like the river
Carrying the bundle of everyone’s sins and virtues,
grooms herself and
Fills the womb of the earth with greenery
So that the world survives….!
for your world
you walk too
like a river cannot stand still
She has to walk
You don’t have to stop
for anyone,
Have to go with the flow.
Your coolness
will make you free
and this will save
Humanity in this world.
No hate but the Love
is needed in the present scenario
You become a river
Of pure love and harmony.
Bio: Mr. Sanjay Swatantra
He is a journalist and an established writer from, India.