Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
When lily tears fall
You know my love
What spring blooms?
Permanently in my moments?
Do you know
What wild lilies
They open like a golden sun
On the green
From my body
To welcome, every morning, life?
Only my creator
Knows magic
My next perfume!
Just immortality
Realize the secret of my youth!
But you are…
I see you cutting my flowers
With your carefree fingers,
And scatter them in the wind
And in the lonely wild meadows!
I see you falling
Inside my warm chest,
Fill it with chips,
That creates frost
From your words!
Nobody knows
If you ever miss me! 8
And maybe even then
I will migrate
To grow in high peaks
Or stability
In the depths of the ocean!
Maybe I will become a cloud
And spend every year
To irrigate your field!
It will rain and it will rain
And when will it open?
Your lemon trees
It will smell like
From the wild hydrangea…!
Only then
You will understand!