Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού
Biography: Marisela Riquelme, born in Panguipulli, XIV Region of Chile, on 22 October 1991. Married and mother of a seven-year-old son. Writer of personal transformation, suspense and mystery. She has been selected and published in several international literary magazines and anthologies. Currently, she is part of the organisation (TEAdmiro) with an inclusive approach towards people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Instagram:@escritora_independiente
Please share your thoughts on the future of literature.
Literature has always been an indispensable method for our knowledge, regardless of its type (poetry, fiction, non-fiction and drama). In my opinion, it will remain so. Perhaps with a different perspective depending on its approach to modernity and the changes that will emerge through the technological age.
When did you start writing?
As a child I wrote in my journals and used my imagination to create stories; a wonderful gift. However, during my growth and personal quest I pursued totally different activities and when none of them fulfilled my soul. One day, three years ago, I asked myself: What if I wrote a book? From that moment on, I have not stopped. Writing is a very complete art, since we are obliged to use all the senses and strategies possible to give it form. I love to test myself!
In my opinion, there is no such thing as the perfect age or the perfect time to write. It’s all about trying and polishing it every day.

The Good and Bad of writing – who’s winning these days?
The good thing is that writing is an incredible form of expression and that it delves deeper than what our knowledge can give us. Writing forces us to research, to learn and to capture these ideas and share them with the rest of the world.
The bad thing is that sometimes, regardless of the talent involved, the possibilities diminish when the writer does not have support networks or in his impulsivity to write he anticipates and does not dedicate the time to the quality that this requires. (This was also my case in the beginning).
If I question deeply the question of who wins today. I could interpret it in two ways: one of them is inclined towards authors who are published by traditional publishers, since they have a wider field of distribution for their sales, and on the other hand, I consider that there are possibilities to self-publish or to look for independent publishers. Although in these, the disadvantage is that the author will have to find ways to sell, will have to mobilise a lot and in many cases will have to pay large sums of money to see his or her work published or disseminated.
How many books have you written and where can we find your books?
I have three books. Two of them are self-published by Amazon and Viaje perfecto, which is the most recent one, has been published by the Spanish publishing house Letrame.
My three books can be found on Amazon. However, the last one is also on various platforms and digital bookstores.
The book, how do you prefer it, electronic or hardcover, which will be the future?
Personally, I prefer the traditional format. However, as we are in the technological age, the future will probably be digital for several reasons: convenience for downloading in one click, more accessible prices and ease of reading from anywhere without having to carry the book everywhere.
A wish for 2024
To reach as many readers as possible and for them to give me the opportunity to show them that there are writers out there who want to go beyond bestsellers, but who want to leave their mark on history.
Many thanks to you for this opportunity and to the great writer Laskiaf Amortegui who recommended me in this interview.
In conclusion, to all the important people in my life; my husband, son, parents, sister, in-laws and sister-in-law who have always supported me.