Articles about a new trend in literature by Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.) and Vladimir Vasilevsky

Επιμέλεια: Εύα Πετροπούλου Λιανού

Choism in literature No. 6

Literature is any collection of written works, but it is also used more narrowly for works specifically considered as an art form, especially prose prose, drama and poetry. (definition from the network)

If you are asked will: which is more useful, the sun or the month? — answer: a month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light, and the moon — at night. But, on the other hand: the sun is better because it shines and warms, and the moon only shines, and then only on a moonlit night! (Kozma Prutkov)

Earlier we considered examples of choism in the visual arts and the “philosophy of choice”. However, it is obvious that the new trend will be reflected in the literature.
Let’s start with the definition. Literary currents are a way of dividing literature into categories based on similar philosophical, thematic or aesthetic characteristics, as opposed to dividing by genre or period. Based on the articles “The Question of Choice”, it becomes a fairly simple task to characterize the signs of choism in the literature, but the question of a specific manifestation still remains open… How will choism manifest itself in poetry and prose in this case?
First of all, the subject matter. It may seem banal and similar to fine art, but still the simplest manifestation of choism will be the representation of the problem of “choice” in all possible manifestations. These can be dialogues, monologues, descriptions of the feelings of people or nature – in each of these examples, you can find a space for choice. It would seem that as such, this topic was presented earlier, you can recall many examples in classical literature and even in the most modern… But was this the key theme, or was it just a tool to represent symbolism, romanticism or realism? Choism leaves an indisputable reason to assert that as a current in literature, as well as in art, he impartially takes the question of “choice” as the basis for studying and presenting it!
A more complex manifestation will be a special construction of thought and presentation. In this case, you will have to use non-banal comparisons, create a composition that will endow objects with a dualistic nature, but preserve their integrity. Here, work on new rhymes and rhythms that will allow you to discover the formula for representing choism will also become relevant.
In addition, we must admit that choism will not be able to “give birth” from scratch a lot of new words or language rules. For early choism, a sufficient condition will be the formation of unique sequences, the introduction of unique and modern literary works that will allow you to look at literature and language in a new way!
Based on the above, we can conclude that choism has no less grounds for self-manifestation in literature than in art. Its subject matter is promising and potentially interesting, and the methods of presenting manuscripts can be confidently called modern and even innovative. Next, we will take a closer look at the manifestations of choism in prose, poetry, drama, and also give a brief description of choism in literature.

Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.) poet and writer, an artist of a new direction in literature and art – choism. Volunteer journalist of the magazine “POET”, active participant and director of the magazine at the foundation “LIFE LINE OF EVERY CHILD”, founder and head of the international creative and cultural project “DEMO GOG”, editor-in-chief of the magazine “HUMANITY”, author of the collection of short stories “NIGHTMARE”, collection of poems “DANCE OF POETRY”, the novel “RED CORAL”. Curator and organizer of collections of modern prose and poetry “SILICON AGE” (2 volumes), the collection “WHISPER IN THE WIND”, the first Russian-Vietnamese collection “DAWN”, the first Russian-Serbian collection “FRIENDSHIP”. Director of a documentary about the charity “ECLF”. Founder and mentor of the world record project – HYPERPOEM. Member of the Russian Union of Writers. The leader of the youth movement of the Russian Union of Writers. Member of the Writers’ Union of North America. Winner of the 3rd degree of the international literary award “Not a day without a line”. Co-author of many collections and publications in magazines and online media. A number of his author’s works have been translated and published in Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Vietnamese, French, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Serbian, Greek, Tagalog and other languages (Russia, the city of St. Petersburg).

(Владимир Васильевский)

Чоизм (Выбор) был предложен несколько лет назад Александром Кабишевым, как новое направление в живописи и литературе. Однако, при более внимательном рассмотрении данного явления, неминуемо приходим к выводу, что оно касается не только искусства, но и любой другой деятельности человека. Да и всей живой природы как таковой в целом.
Действительно. Даже простейшие микроорганизмы, перемещаясь в своей среде, постоянно сталкиваются с проблемой выбора. Например, направления движения. Поскольку от этого зависит наличие, дефицит, либо отсутствие корма, а то и само существования организма.
Что же говорить о более сложных формах жизни? Растения. Казалось бы: они неподвижны, что им выбирать? Но и здесь все не просто, и проблема выбора также существует. Положим, неожиданно в Красноярском крае в ноябре на две недели установилась теплая погода. И местные жители наблюдают, как сирень готовится расцвести. То есть, растение приняло решение – сделало ВЫБОР – не впасть в зимнюю спячку, а расцвести… Другое дело – неживая природа. Вот хоть камень у дороги. Ему все равно – потепление, или мороз…
Итак, первый вывод. ЧОИЗМ (ВЫБОР) – явление, изначально свойственное ЖИВОЙ природе. Удивительно, что человек за миллионы лет своего существования на Земле, только теперь, в двадцать первом веке всерьез задумался о проблеме выбора и о систематизации опыта, накопленного в этом направлении своей деятельности. Впрочем, жизнь – явление настолько многофакторное, что в большинстве случаев точно просчитать результат выбора на сколько-нибудь продолжительный промежуток времени не представляется возможным. Однажды написал об этом так.
Каждый день, каждый час,
Миг отвоевывать у вечности,
Беспечности, покоя причал,
Держа лишь в уме. Блюсти
Волю, зыбкий, но все же – оплот
Бытия! В этой игре, милом
Аттракционе – жизнь. Лот
Аукциона, где Некто мелом

Начертал и… Смахнул. А ты,..
Делаешь себя!.. Хозяин жизни!..
Дерзай, дизайнер мечты!
Прочь! Расступитесь трусы, ханжи!..

“И обратился я,
И видел под солнцем,
Что не проворным
Достается успешный бег,
Не храбрым – победа,
Не мудрым – хлеб,
И не у разумных – богатство,
И не искусным – благорасположение,
Но время и случай

Для всех” (Еккл.Стих 9, Глава11).

То есть, этому наблюдению около двух с половиной тысяч лет. Но оно “работает” и сегодня. Выбирай – не выбирай…
Однако именно теперь, в двадцать первом веке, с появлением сверхмощных компьютеров, ситуация начинает принципиально меняться. Некоторые процессы уже удается просчитывать на довольно продолжительные промежутки времени. А, значит, возможности выбора расширяются.
Скорее всего, этим и объясняется появление ЧОИЗМА, именно в наше время. И это – второй вывод. В статье “О ПРИРОДЕ ЧОИЗМА” мы указывали ещё на одну принципиальную причину роста значимости ЧОИЗМА в настоящее время. Это – расширение Вселенной и рост скорости расширения.
Да, сегодня в астрономии существует такое понятие как “расширение Вселенной”. Стало известно, что не только галактики удаляются друг от друга, но расширяется и сама ткань Вселенной. Данное открытие обнаруживает фундаментальное свойство Вселенной, пространственно-временного континуума. Оно означает, что в каждое следующее мгновение мир уже совершенно другой. Это не бросается в глаза, поскольку расширяются сами основы нашего мира. Стало быть – и мы, и все нас окружающее. Однако, по косвенным явлениям мы начинаем это замечать. Так, например отмечено, что во всем мире увеличивается средняя продолжительность жизни человека и животных. И это явление не связано с успехами фармацевтики…

Стремительно увеличивается число сфер деятельности человека. И в этой связи правильный выбор профессии, тем научных исследований, творческих тем и пр. становится все важнее.
Это – третий вывод. Сам ЧОИЗМ – также новое направление. Он лишь начинает развиваться. Очевидно, впереди – создание конкретных методик выбора в различных сферах человеческой деятельности.

REFLECTIONS ON CHOISM. (Vladimir Vasilevsky)

Choism (Choice) was proposed several years ago by Alexander Kabishev as a new direction in painting and literature. However, upon closer examination of this phenomenon, we inevitably come to the conclusion that it concerns not only art, but also any other human activity. And the whole wildlife as such as a whole.
Really. Even the simplest microorganisms, moving in their environment, constantly face the problem of choice. For example, directions of movement. Because the presence, deficiency, or lack of food, or even the very existence of the organism depends on it.
What can we say about more complex forms of life? Plants. It would seem: they are motionless, what should they choose? But here everything is not simple, and the problem of choice also exists. Let’s say that unexpectedly warm weather was established in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in November for two weeks. And the locals are watching how the lilac is preparing to bloom. That is, the plant has made a decision – made a CHOICE – not to fall into hibernation, but to bloom… Inanimate nature is another matter. Here is at least a stone by the road. He doesn’t care if it’s warming or freezing…
So, the first conclusion. CHOISM (CHOICE) is a phenomenon originally peculiar to LIVING nature. It is amazing that a person for millions of years of his existence on Earth, only now, in the twenty-first century, has seriously thought about the problem of choice and about the systematization of the experience accumulated in this area of his activity. However, life is such a multifactorial phenomenon that in most cases it is not possible to accurately calculate the result of a choice for any long period of time. I once wrote about it like this.


Every day, every hour,
To win back a moment from eternity,
Carelessness, peace berth,
Keeping only in mind. Bluesy
Will, shaky, but still a bulwark
Genesis! In this game, cute
Attraction – life. Lot
An auction where Someone chalked

I drew it and… brushed it away. And you,..
You’re making yourself!.. Master of life! ..
Go ahead, designer of dreams!
Away! Step aside cowards, hypocrites!..

“And I turned,
And saw under the sun,
What ‘s not agile
Gets a successful run,
Not brave – victory,
Not wise – bread,
And not the reasonable ones have wealth,
And not skillful – benevolence,
But time and chance

For all” (Eccl.Verse 9, Chapter 11).

That is, this observation is about two and a half thousand years old. But it “works” today. Choose – don’t choose …
however, right now, in the twenty-first century, with the advent of super-powered computers, the situation is beginning to change fundamentally. Some processes can already be calculated for quite long periods of time. And, therefore, the possibilities of choice are expanding.
Most likely, this explains the appearance of CHOISM, precisely in our time. And this is the second conclusion. In the article “On THE NATURE of CHOISM” we pointed out another fundamental reason for the growing importance of CHOISM at the present time. This is the expansion of the universe and the growth of the expansion rate.
Yes, there is such a thing as “expansion of the universe” in astronomy today. It became known that not only galaxies are moving away from each other, but the fabric of the universe itself is expanding. This discovery reveals a fundamental property of the universe, the space-time continuum. It means that every next moment the world is completely different. This is not obvious, because the very foundations of our world are expanding. Therefore, both we and everything around us. However, by indirect phenomena, we are beginning to notice this. For example, it is noted that the average life expectancy of humans and animals is increasing all over the world. And this phenomenon is not related to the success of pharmaceuticals…
The number of spheres of human activity is rapidly increasing. And in this regard, the right choice of profession, research topics, creative topics, etc. is becoming increasingly important.
This is the third conclusion. CHOISM itself is also a new direction. He is just beginning to develop. Obviously, the creation of specific methods of choice in various spheres of human activity is ahead.

Vladimir Vasilevsky. St. Petersburg poet and novelist. He is a member of the Russian Union of Writers (RMSP). Founded and runs the poetry club “Northern half of the World”. He performs at various venues in St. Petersburg with readings of his poems and prose. For his contribution to Russian literature, he was awarded the Alexander Pushkin and Vladimir Mayakovsky medals by the RSPP Presidium.

Владимир Васильевский. Петербургский поэт и прозаик. Состоит в рядах Российского Союза Писателей (РСП). Основал и ведет поэтический клуб “Северные полмира”. Выступает на различных площадках Петербурга с чтением своих стихов и прозы. За вклад в русскую литературу награжден Президиумом РСП медалями “Александр Пушкин” и “Владимир Маяковский”.